Chapter 13

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You slowly fluttered your eyes open, only to realize that you're tied up on a chair. You looked around to see that you're in the warehouse.

The last thing you remembered was calling out for Kazutora's name as you got dragged by Rin and Ran.

You licked your lips out of the dryness of it, also realizing that you got punched earlier or while in the process of getting dragged.

"Ah, the hero finally woke up." you heard a familiar voice, you squinted your eyes to see from afar—yes, it's Izana. There's no point running because you're all tied up.

"What do you want?" you asked looking at him smirking. "Oh, nothing really. I just want you." he teased. "Don't fuck with me." you replied gritting your teeth; surely you're very frustrated at him.

Izana let out a laugh, probably mocking at your courage and boldness. He ran his fingers through the strands of your hair, then gripping them tightly causing you to wince.

"Your parents will hear about this." Izana said and let go of your hair harshly. What does this has to do with your parents? They're literally mafias, street gang members like them won't stand a chance to your parents.

But then again, you'll likely die by your parents' hand because of how rebellious you bcome. "Your boyfriend won't come for you." Izana added.

You spat at him, "What the fuck do you really want?" you asked, squirming from his touch. "I told you Y/N, just you." he smirked, caressing your cheek.

The door of the warehouse flung open, "Get your filthy hands off my daughter." you heard a voice. You look at the side to see your father with his subordinates. "The fuck?" Izana was surprised at the twist.

Coming from behind, you saw Kazutora and the blonde hair boy who almost choked you to death.

"Let her go, Izana." the blonde hair boy spoke. Izana scoffed, "What does this has to do with you?" Izana asked. "I said let her go." he repeated himself.

Your father was holding a gun, his subordinates too; they were in stance waiting for orders. Izana rolled his eyes at you, taking out a knife and cutting you loose from the ropes.

You ran towards Kazutora, both of you falling on your knees hugging. You turn to look at your father, he scoffed, "Who would've thought that you took my baby steps?" he said with the cigarette in his mouth.

He wasn't even mad at you, "If your boyfriend hadn't come running to me with Mikey, and telling me everything, I would've slaughtered all these street gang members already." he explained.

You exchanged glances with Kazutora and Mikey. You guys left the place and continued to talk at your father's mansion, outside in the garden.

"What's with the hair?" your father asked, pointing with the cigarette in between his fingers. You brushed your hair and awkwardly chuckled, "I'll change it back." you said.

Your father waved his hand off, "Do whatever you want." he said. Your mother in the other hand came clacking with her heels, dissatisfied with you.

"We sent you to school so you could live normally, and not like us." she said, rather in a sad tone.

Is she referring to their dirty jobs? But they're so good that not even the police came after them, for your whole life your parents never got found out.

Your father sighed and then turn to look at Kazutora and Mikey. "I sure hoped it would've been you with my daughter." he said. Mikey laughed, do they know each other?

"Nah, she looks really happy with Kazutora sir. So it's fine, besides...Kazutora and I used to be friends." he explained.

"Wait a minute, did you say 'used'?" I recalled, asking Mikey. Mikey shrugged his shoulders and nodded, "Yeah. Kazutora is one of our founders too. But y'know, things happen and stuff." Mikey explained to you.

You slapped on Kazutora's back, "Ow!" he whined. "I'm sorry." he apologized. "Mikey, no more choking on Y/N." your father said.

Mikey nodded and waved his hand off, "And as for you, I trust you in taking care of her. She's really innocent." your father said to Kazutora.

Innocent? Are they all teasing you? Your mother laughed, "Oh honey, I'm sure they could've shared their first—" "MOTHER." you whined at her.

"No? Not yet? Okay, I'm sorry." she said.

So your parents made it up to you and apologized for hiding their career to you. Still, the conflict between Toman and Valhalla goes on—but at least, you're with Kazutora.

Izana still tries to reach out to you, having every opportunity he has to get you but also with Mikey as your friend, he has your back. So sometimes...whenever there's conflict between two gangs, you're never on anyone's side.

Memories that feel as if they occurred yesterday, but you stop to wonder about what lies and what will happen in your future.
Note: this was kinda fast and boring. im going to do the timeskip soon~

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