Chapter 11

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Your weeks hiding in turned into months, but overtime you did go out just for your self-defense class-- you even learned how to hold a gun and shoot but it's most probably for your own safety purpose (hopefully). 

You cut ties with Ayane, Rin and Ran after your encounter with Izana; you were hoping to not bump into him anywhere. He really gave off some dark vibes. Your self-defense lesson was going well, your body eventually became toned and shaped. 

You decided to go for a stroll in town, you wore your hoodie and a mask. You came across the abandoned arcade where Kazutora and his gang had a meet up. You raised an eyebrow, it was open? They're having a gang meeting at broad daylight?

 Hoping none of the gang members notice on you, you decided to get in and eavesdrop. You heard them laughing, it looks like someone is getting beaten up into a pulp. Because of your short height, you silently went on top of the chairs. The door opened, you couldn't believe your eyes. 



He's back? Where had he been all these times?

You felt yourself boiling up, frustrated, confused and angry. 

You then noticed another person followed him from behind. You squinted your eyes to see and it was Takemitchy. 

You also saw Hanma sitting on one of the broken arcade machine, "I brought him." you heard Kazutora speak. He looks carefree and casual, is he not caring one bit about you? You were horrified to see the other boy getting beaten up like a punching bag. 

"Hey, aren't you--" your reflexes kicked him in the face causing you to fall on your feet. One of the gang members pulled you causing you to reveal yourself as your hood fell. "Ara, who might this be?" Hanma said as he looked at you, walking up towards you lifting your chin up. He then smirked, pushing you causing you to fall. 

"What's your wife doing here, Kazutora?" Hanma asked, sounding pissed. Takemitchy was surprised to see you, disbelief of what you had become. "Y/N? I thought you got transferred abroad?" he asked. 

You stayed silent, slowly backing away towards the person on the ground. "Hm? You want to save Chifuyu?" Hanma teased. You scoffed, "How could you?" I asked referring to the boy on the ground. "My, my Kazutora, we have an enemy." Hanma mocked as he laughed. You swallowed your saliva, praying to God they won't hit you. 

But you knew how to fight back. Kazutora stared at you, you flipped Chifuyu over. Lightly slapping his cheeks to check if he's conscious. "You can find another girl." the boy with black long hair joked to Kazutora. 

"It's your fault." he said to you. You were in disbelief upon hearing what he said to you. You were so pissed, "How is this my fault?" you asked. Kazutora stayed silent. You rolled your eyes, you held onto the necklace he gave and pulled it then throwing to the ground. "I spent my days hiding from my parents." you said and then helping Chifuyu up. "What are you doing there Takemitchy? Just staring?" you snapped. 

Takemichi shook his head as he quickly helped you. Jokes on you, Kazutora grabbed your hand causing you to fall back. "Y/N!" Takemichi panicked. "Leave." you calmly told him, he quickly left with Chifuyu barely being conscious. You heard Hanma chuckle, "Someone's been a bad girl." he teased. 

"Have fun," he said to Kazutora as everyone left the place. You were on the floor, facing Kazutora, he squatted down to see you; using one hand to cup your cheeks aggressively. "Where have you been?" he asked, staring straight into your soul. You scoffed slapping his hand away from you. "Right back at you, where have you been?" you asked. "Juvenile for awhile." he said, brushing your hair as if there was something he wanted to do to you.

"Where did your sweet innocent look went?" Kazutora asked. "My parents are coming after me." you said and stood up. "How so?" he asked. You groaned, did he lose his memory or something? "Whatever, come with me." you told him. "Walking?" he asked. You let out a long sigh, picking up the necklace he gave. You clasp it back and wore it. "Your ride." you said. 

You lead Kazutora the way as both of you arrived at your loft. You unlocked the door and let Kazutora in, he looked around. "How did you--" you cut him off. "My own savings, not my parents' money." you said, opening your laptop quickly retrieving your parents' disclosed information and showed Kazutora about it. 

Kazutora laughed, you raised an eyebrow at him. "What's so funny." you sarcastically snapped at him. Kazutora ruffled your redheaded hair. "How is it that you're so innocent even after changing your looks?" he said, sitting down on the sofa beside you. You crossed your arms over your chest, clicking your tongue. "Alright, alright. I'm sorry, I really am." he apologized as he held your hand. 

"Continue where you left off." you said to him, still looking away with your arms crossed. You heard him groan, "Uh...oh." he said, taking deep breaths. "Y/N, Iloveyou." he blurted. Of course, you heard what he said. "I can't hear you pretty boy." you teased. He blushed, "Wha-- where did you learn that?" he asked. You glared at him, "I love you, Y/N, I really do." he confessed. 

"I'm sorry too." you said, leaning closer to him. He smiled, "It's fine. It's not your fault." he said. "I missed you so much." you told him as you teared up. He pulled you closer, hugging you, "I know, I'm sorry for leaving you." he whispered while stroking your hair. 

This is the start of your relationship with Kazutora. 

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