Chapter 2

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Every exam or tests in schools, you managed to ace them perfectly; you didn't like the fact that you're all the "good girl" that everyone sees you.

Sometimes you get tired of pretending too. Pretending to be okay when you're not.

"Aw, Y/N-chan always scores her test!" your bestfriend exclaimed as she compared her exam scores with you.

Your bestfriend is just as good as you, though she's a little rebellious but still manage her studies well.

"Oohh! How did you ace this test?" Akkun asked as his friends huddled around us to see my test paper. "That's why, it's important to study dumbass." Takemichi teased while playfully hitting Akkun.

"Hmm, says the one himself." his girlfriend, Hinata came over and sat with you guys during lunch.

Sometimes you dislike being surrounded, it makes you claustrophobic. "Excuse me for a while," you said and stood up. Your bestfriend knew about it so she just told the others that you want to go to the restroom.

Well, thanks to your bestfriend informing them, you managed to escape and hang around alone on the school's rooftop. It was honestly your favourite spot, any rooftop will do.

"Oh, you like rooftops too?" upon hearing that, you look up to see Kazutora walking up to you and took a seat beside you.

The two of you sat down on the ground, Kazutora laid himself down looking at the skies.

"Hmmm, you're very quiet." he said. You turn to him and smile. "You're not wrong." you said and giggled. You were curious of his tattoo.

Your hands trailed to his neck, unintentionally caressing him because you were looking at his tattoo. "Y/N." he breathed and grabbed your wrist, stopping you. You look at him, he was blushing.

"Oh! Oh my, I'm so sorry for touching you." you said and immediately retrieve your hand away. You brought your legs up to your chest, hugging them and burrying your face in between; you were embarrassed.

Kazutora couldn't help himself but chuckle, "Nah, it's alright. I was just surprised. No one ever dares to do that, especially with a tattoo." he joked.

Of course you knew what he meant. "Are a gang?" you asked. He shrugged his shoulders, "I'll let you guess. I gotta go. Bye bye Y/N!" he said, ruffling your hair and dashed out the door down the stairs to the school hall.

You weren't sure of your own feelings. You have a hard time telling how you really feel. Your parents never really listened to what you have to say.

You weren't able to state your own opinions, even if you tried they never really acknowledged it.

During class, you were still thinking about how Kazutora ruffled your hair like you two have known for each other for a long time but reality, you two just met though being in the same school.

Sometimes you wonder if your bestfriend is really your bestfriend, or, was she only your bestfriend because of how rich you are?

Was your expression not enough? Your actions? Do people look at you like an object? Are you a robot?

Those were the things that came across your mind. You couldn't really focus during class and ended up flunking the impromptu quiz.

The teacher was surprised because it is indeed your first time not doing well in your academics. You suddenly felt pissed off, but you couldn't spit it out; it's like— you're too innocent and all good to cuss.

You hated the fact that you couldn't lash out your frustration. It's your voice was unheard by anyone.

Once school ended, you went to the park and sat on the swing. Just lazily swinging your legs as you ripped off your quiz.

You smirked. What was that? You suddenly snapped out. That was scary. It felt like swapping out into another person.

"Oh? It's Y/N chan." you look up to see Kazu and his friends. He was wearing a white jacket, his friends too.

Kazutora looked to the ground where your ripped quiz was. You stomped on it and stood up. "Hm? You look like you wanna say something Y/N," he said playfully flicking your forehead.

"Having a hard time?" he asked, since you couldn't open your mouth to speak. Kazutora offered his hand out to you, "Do you trust me?" he asked as you slowly reached out your hand to him.

His hand felt so warm and assuring. You looked up to him, "Yes...?" you hesitantly answered.

"Smooth." his friends said to him. "Don't harm her." he said. His friends nodded at him.

Kazutora lean towards your side, "How bout we go out for a ride tonight?" he whispered. Somehow you felt butterflies in your stomach and your heart beated.

You don't know what hit you but you nodded at him. He smiled and winked at you, "See ya later." he said ruffling your hair again as he ran off with his friends.

Oh how it felt nice to actually really feel something for awhile.

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