Chapter 14

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Everything went just fine between you and Kazutora, the first few years of your relationship bloomed beautifully—or that what's you thought.

Until there was one time, you didn't understood him at all; Toman and Valhalla still had conflict, you tried to stop Kazutora but you ended up getting pushed away.

You were stunned by what he did to you, because he wasn't the type to do that. Mikey noticed his behavior, or course he got pissed off.

"Get your fucking hands off her." Mikey snapped, grabbing Kazutora's collar then throwing a punch at him. "I knew you had a thing for Y/N." Kazutora teased, followed with a laugh.

The two of them kept beating up each other. You tried to interfere and stop them but you ended up getting slapped by Kazutora. Mikey stopped what he was doing, and rushed to you, your hand on your cheek where Kazutora slapped you.

You were in shock and disbelief, what has gone into him?

"Y/N!" Mikey ran over to you, checking on you. After all, that was a pretty hard slap. Mikey gently removed your hand from your cheek, it was beet red. He cussed under his breath, "To think that you changed." Mikey said, slowly standing up and yanked Kazutora's shirt.

"The fuck do you think you are?" Kazutora cussed. Mikey's expression darken, "You crossed the line Kazutora." Mikey stated.

Kazutora let out a psychotic laugh, "If Y/N didn't interfere, the plan would've gone perfectly." he said as he put the blame on you.

You were known as slow to show your emotions, that's what Mikey caught about you—you felt hurt after what Kazutora did.

"Pathetic." Hanma said to you. You felt a rush of anxiety and fear to your body, you trembled. Of course the Toman gang was there, "Leave Y/N out of this." Baji said to Hanma.

"Why do you all care about her? She's a girl. Weak, annoying and thinks that everyone likes to be around her when it's not." Hanma stated.

You lowered your head, biting your lower lip, you were always soft and innocent. Even after a year dating with Kazutora, you never really killed anyone while in the gang. All you did was sit and watch them. The only time you contributed was kicking the victim in the face.

But yes, you realized that it didn't suit you at all. You thought, "Why did I even change to be like this....?" you mumbled.

Little do you know Mikey had a thing for you.

"I fucking swear if you lay your hands on her, I'll beat the shit outta y'all here." Mikey warned to Valhalla.

You saw Mikey getting beat up mercilessly by three people, that includes Kazutora. He kept beating up Mikey with a metal pipe.

You were scared of someone might die, but surprisingly Mikey is really strong. Even after his head starting bleeding. Something triggered him and caused him to knock the other two person; unconscious.

Chifuyu helped you up, but before you followed him. You removed the jacket that Kazutora gave. "I hate you." you blurted, throwing the jacket to the ground and pulled the necklace off.

Kazutora didn't even bother about it. It's as if he was prepared for this moment.

"Come on Y/N," Chifuyu said to you, holding your hand as he brought you over to their side.

You saw Draken and Hanma fighting together, Mikey and Kazutora fighting. Everyone around you was fighting.

A person named Kisaki came, claiming that he was the 1st division captain in Toman because Baji left to join Valhalla.

But here you thought of something, it's like Baji wanted to expose Kisaki's real intention.

"I've been waiting for this, Kisaki." Baji said and punched Kisaki's face. Chifuyu shouted at Baji something. But you felt lightheaded, Mikey noticed you.

You slowly fell to the ground fainting, the last thing you saw was Mikey trying to catch you.

/minutes passed/

You heard people around you but the fighting somehow died down as you opened your eyes to see Takemitchy and Chifuyu protecting you.

Their eyes were swollen, you couldn't figure whether it was from the punches they received or they cried about something.

"Y/N, thank God." Takemitchy said, breathing. Chifuyu was crying, he pulled you in for a hug. You stood up seeing Kazutora with a knife, you observed him and he was going for Baji.

"Baji!!" you shouted and dodged it for him, you were the one getting stabbed from behind. You let out a sharp gasp as Baji turned to face you, his eyes widened.

You couldn't hear anything, but you can read Baji's lips calling out your name multiple times.

You fell on his embrace, "Y/N!! I told you to stay back with Chifuyu!!" he said to you. You smiled, "And watch this bloodbath of yours? No." you joked at him.

You couldn't feel your back at the lower part of it. "Hang on, okay?" Baji assured. "KAZUTORA! YOU WENT TOO FAR!" you heard Mikey shout.

The knife was still stabbed behind your back, you couldn't think of anything. The fight somehow died down. You heard sirens.

"Can I close my eyes?" you asked, holding onto the pain. Baji shook his head sideways, "No." he said.

You heard people muttering as you slowly closed your eyes.

Kazutora stabbed you. Yes, you did say you hate him but...

You thought to yourself, that it was never his intention to do this. After all, you were the one who interfered the fight.
Note: I like plot twists and confusion. Do you? 😏 Sorry for the late update, I hadn't been feeling well these days. But I hope you enjoyed this part though. Kinda lame to me honestly. Haha.

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