Chapter 23

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❤️🎂Happy Birthday Kazutora🎂❤️

Playlist: 🎧Sway With Me—Saweetie & Galxara🎧

Note: May contain NSFW.

Worries aside for the time being, today is Kazutora's birthday; Emma and Hina had made plans with you during the day, you couldn't say no so yeah you tagged along with them.

"It's Kazu's birthday right?" Hina asked. You nodded at her, Emma gave you a naughty look. "Ooooh, I heard the boys are going out tonight. Draken says we should go, and it's a must for you Y/N." Emma said.

You bit your lower lip, knowing you don't know how to dress up like you used to. All the work made you dress up casually, and going to clubs?

"Alright, just this one dressing up." you said to them. Hina and Emma jumped, clapping their hands all giddy. You laughed at them. They brought you from shops to shops basically just window shopping until there was 1 shop that caught your attention.

"That mini dress looks sexy." Emma said, dragging you in. "Can we try this on her?" Hina asked the staff. The staff smiled and nodded as she handed the dress over to you to try it out.

It was very, very sexy, it barely covered your back but honestly you like how it showed your curves.

"Are you done? We wanna look!" both Emma and Hina asked. You pulled the curtains away and revealed yourself to them. Their jaw dropped, "WE DIDN'T KNOW YOUR BODY ACTUALLY LOOKS GOOD???" they shouted in disbelief.

"Money's on Y/N, bet on Kazutora." Emma said to Hina. Hina didn't want to give in too, "I bet it on him too." she said.

Once you were done with the dress, all of you bought your mini dresses with different designs; just same colors.

"Have you guys had sex yet?" Emma asked, causing you to choke on your water. Hina laughed, "Oh come on, Y/N. We're adults besides...he does plan on marrying you." Hina said.

He what?

"He what?" you asked as you coughed. Emma and Hina exchanged glances, "He didn't tell you?" Emma asked. You shook your head sideways, "Girl we just spilled his plan. He's going to propose to you!" Hina exclaimed.

You blushed red. "Go catch your tiger tonight Y/N." Emma smirked. You smirked back, "Sure, he is mine." you replied.

[Mini note: The name Kazutora means "one" (一) (kazu) and "tiger" (虎) (tora). Hence the haircolor and hairstyle he has(?)]

Spending your time with Emma and Hina, on Kazutora's side, Chifuyu and Baji brought him out too. "Proposing Y/N?" Chifuyu asked. Kazutora nodded his head, "I'm sure she'll love any ring you give it to her." Chifuyu added.

"Nah, Y/N will love it regardless what you give to her. Even if it means in bed." Baji joked. Chifuyu laughed, Kazutora choked on his water but managed to drink it up. "Baji!" Kazutora whined.

Baji shrugged his shoulders, "I mean, we're adults but whatever it is, trust me she'll love it." Baji assured. Kazutora sighed at his remarks, then smiled at Baji and Chifuyu for helping him out.

Sure these three grown men are in the jewellery shop asking for advice. Fortunately the staff did help Kazutora in picking the ring. Once they were done surveying, looking at the rings and paid it, Kazutora kept the box with the ring in the jacket of his pocket.

Now Kazutora's thinking of when and where to propose you.

By the time it was night fall, you, Hina and Emma helped each other's make up. "Y/N looks stunning." Emma said, smiling at you. You smiled back, "We all look stunning, okay?" you replied.

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