Chapter 6

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Note: Photo from Pinterest, please comment if you know the artist so I can give credits!
Your parents gave you a week before moving abroad, still, you're against the idea of being transferred abroad out of the blue.

When you went to school, you didn't see Kazutora. The last call or conversation he left is that he wanted to tell you something before you go off abroad.

Your heart started to beat so fast, you ran all over and around school. Ups and down the stairs and running through the hallways in school. His friends weren't the type to show up in school, they were likely to skip class than to attend class.

He couldn't just left you hanging right? Alright, you still have a week left before leaving. So you went to the school's office to settle your documents and stuff.

Hinata noticed the paperwork that you were holding, "Are you moving?" she asked. You nodded your head, smile slowly fading away.

"You'll do great there." she assured, patting your back lightly. You nodded at her. You put the documents in a file and zipped up your bags.

You also needed to clean up your locker. Your bestfriend noticed immediately running up to you. She shaked you aggressively, "Where are you going?" she asked with her eyes widened.

So it is true what Kazutora told you. People will only start to care if you do something like leaving or dying.

You pushed your bestfriend's hand away as you closed the locker. "My parents are transferring me abroad." you said. "Just so suddenly?" she asked. You nodded your head at her.

"I'm sorry." she blurted. You rolled your eyes at her. Maybe it's time to cut off some ties. "Whatever. I never held anything against you anyway." you said and walked away.

You texted Kazutora multiple times but there was no reply, you can't even go through his calls.

Arriving home you slammed the document on the coffee table where your parents were counting their money. You went up to your room and started to pack some things.

Your phone rang, you rushed to look at the caller ID– and it is who you were expecting; it's Kazutora. You immediately answered his calls, "Where were you all day?" you asked in a panicked tone. Sitting down on your bed, you waited for his reply. "I'm sorry I had some matters to take care of, I saw your messages." he said.

You sensed as if something happened. "But can I see you one last time?" he asked. "Sure." you said. Both of you ended the call as you rushed to the park. The sky turned dark indicating that it was about to rain.

You ran towards Kazutora and hugged him, embracing you in his arms—hugging you tightly. "Y/N chan, before I can tell you anything." he stopped for awhile and took out something from his pocket.

It was a matching necklace, it was a very minimalist style. You loved it. He put the necklace on you, your face close to each other. Standing before you, is the boy who brought out the best of you; not quite but at least, you finally spoke up to your parents even though it didn't work as you had planned in mind.

You loved the smell of Kazutora's cologne, you couldn't help yourself but just drown in his hugs. "I'll miss you." you whispered to him. He brushed your hair lovingly, "Me too." he said hugging you tightly.

Rain started pouring down, both of you pulled away from the hug. "Tch, such a spoil." Kazutora whined complaining at the weather.

"What is it that you wanted to tell me?" you asked. Hoping the rain wouldn't be a heavy downpour.

Before Kazutora could open his mouth, the sound of roaring motorbikes came; it was his friends. "Kazutora, we have to go now." his friend demanded.

Kazutora groaned, probably cussing at himself for not being able to spit out the love confession he wanted to tell you.

"I'm sorry, I'll tell you tomorrow in school." he said. He removed his jacket and put it over your head. "Go Y/N, you'll get sick." he said as it started to rain like cats and dogs.

Now you have his jacket, you bit your lower lip refusing to leave. But Kazutora wouldn't leave too if you won't go. You slowly backed away and then finally running back to your house.

Soaked and drenched by the rain, you hurriedly washed up and dried Kazutora's jacket using the dryer in the house. The cologne stucked to Kazutora's jacket.

You hoped that nothing will happen to him, since you always see him in bruises from fights. You always treated his face.

You laid on your bed and hugged your pillow, you sent a text to Kazutora.

Me [6.30 p.m]
Please tell me if you're home and fine..

You waited and waited for his reply, you touched the necklace he gave twirling it with your index finger.

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