Chapter 5

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Coming home from school, you were greeted with a dissatisfied look on your parent's face. Wait, more like disappointed.

You were thinking what you did wrong this time. As much as you sneaked out with Kazutora most of the nights, you were pretty sure you consistently aced your academics.

"Your father and I wants to have a word with you." your mother said, sitting down as she sipped on her coffee.

Your father on the other hand, was smoking inside of the house. "I'm sending you off abroad." he said.

Your eyes widened, you were in disbelief upon hearing the sudden news. You clenched your fists, "What? Why?!" you asked, raising your voice. Your mother instantly stood up from her seat, shoving you.

"Listen to your father!" she yelled. You scoffed and threw your school bag to the ground. "You could've discussed with me about transferring me abroad! You can't just come up to me like this and finalize shit!" you blurted.

Somehow that felt great, you finally exploded and lashed out. Still, you hadn't settle with your bestfriend.

Your mother slapped you, oh great. Getting slapped on the left cheek again, surely it stung you. You felt your cheeks getting hot from both anger and the slap.

"And stop going out with that boy!" your mother shouted at you. You felt your heart shattered to pieces.


How did they found out?

"You think we don't know? Countless of nights you've sneaked out, just to be with that boy!" your father scolded, hitting you with the newspaper.

Tears formed in your eyes, vision getting blurry. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU KNOW ABOUT HIM?!" you screamed, losing it all.

Your parents were shocked, frozen in their place. "How dare you talk back!" your mother shoved you as you fell. "He's a delinquent!" your mother yelled.

"I DON'T FUCKING CARE!! AT LEAST SOMEONE WAS THERE FOR ME!" you cried out. You stood up, wiping your tears away. "WHATEVER THE SHIT IS, YOU CAN'T TRANSFER ME TO ANOTHER SCHOOL." you yelled and ran out from your house.

Still in your uniform, you dashed out not caring your surroundings. You breathed, panting from running. Looking around, you somehow ended up in a small street in town.

You were outside an abandoned arcade.

"Y/N?" you heard a voice. You looked up to see Kazutora. Tears began to stream down your cheeks, you jumped off and hugged Kazutora tightly.

Hugging you back, he caressed your back, calming you down. "What's wrong?" he asked, wiping your tears using his thumbs. You shook your head sideways refusing to tell him. All you wanted to do now was to be with him.

Because no matter what you say to your parents, they will stubbornly transfer you without telling you. That's how they are.

"I...don't...wanna go." you told him in between your cries. "Go? Where are you going?" he cupped your cheeks.

You cried even more, you couldn't even talk properly. Kazutora looked around as people stared at both of you.

Kazutora grabbed your hand and invited you into the abandoned arcade. Apparently, it was his gang meeting place. Like a secret hideout.

There were a lot of people, but you couldn't care less but to continue on crying. Kazutora brought you to the corner of the room, sitting down together, he still wiped off your tears.

You eventually dozed off on his chest after a good long cry.

"Geez, such a cry baby." Hanma said to Kazutora. Kazutora scratched the back of his head, awkwardly laughing. "True, but she cute tho." one of the guys said.

That made Kazutora glare at them, "Yeah, and fuck off." he growled. Hanma laughed. "Fascinating how she's clinged onto you." Hanma joked.

Kazutora laughed. Few hours dozing off, you fluttered your eyes open to see Kazutora sleeping too. His head ontop of yours, you two look like a couple but you or Kazutora hadn't made a move.

You decided to just be in that position, head on his chest as you listened to his steady heartbeat. "I'll miss you." you whispered and closed your eyes—placing your hand on his chest, Kazutora too woke up. "Did I wake you up?" you asked, looking up to him.

He stroked your hair lovingly, shaking his head sideways. "No, guess we're alone now." he said and looked at his phone. His face suddenly reddened.

"What's wrong?" you asked. Kazutora cussed something under his breath, not allowing you to hear it; he then kept his phone back into his pocket.

"Those guys are stupid." he blurted. Oh how Hanma loved teasing Kazutora, they got a picture of you and Kazutora sleeping together on the old sofa of the arcade. But for real it was indeed a good picture. So Kazutora decided to set it as his wallpaper.

"You said something about going...where to?" Kazutora asked you. You sighed, slowly breathing as you tried to gather your might to tell him.

"My parents...forced me to move and study abroad." you told him. Kazutora was silent for a moment, "Mm...what did you say?" he asked.

"I refused...but I don't think they'll listen to me." you said. Kazutora pulled you into a hug, "Let's hang around as much as we can before you go." he said, you can sense there was sadness in his voice.

Your heart broke, hoping your parents will change their minds about it.

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