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~y/n POV~

'SHIT IM SO LATE!' I thought as I'm running down the sidewalk late for work. I cut through a ally so I could get there faster. I stopped to take a quick rest. When I looked up I was at the corner of UA. 'The Best Hero School there is' I scoffed then continued running

~Aizawa POV~

'Im late again' I sighed 'but then again I really don't care'. I turned around the corner. Someone bumped into me and we both fell to the ground

"IM SO SORRY!" She had said

"It's ok"

She sat up and looked at me. I stood up then extended my hand to help her up. She smacked herself in the head then looked at the sky

"I'm running late for work and this is what I get for not paying attention" she turned her head towards me "I am extremely sorry" she ran off

I had looked at the ground and noticed she had dropped a stack of cards. I bent down and picked them up. I read off one of the cards

"Neko cafe" it read. Neko cafe is that new coffee shop that opened up 7 months ago. I heard of it. I also heard that they make you dress as a Neko maid 'I guess I'll drop by there during lunch and return the cards' I headed inside

~y/n POV~

I kept running until I finally got there. I stopped to catch my breath then headed inside. I headed to the back room

"Why are you late?" My boss asked me as I grabbed my Neko ears

"I forgot to pick up the business cards for you yesterday after work so on my way here I went to pick them up. I lost track of time then ran here" I had grabbed my stuff

"So you have the cards?" I put my stuff on a nearby chair and reached for the purse around my body. I noticed that the pocket was opened 'oh no! Did they fall out?' I reached in and only found 2 cards. I looked at my boss

"What?" He said with concern. I walked to him and handed him the two cards "only two?" He looked at the cards as I turned my head to the ground

"Yeah I think I dropped the others ones somewhere" I put my hands behind my back

"You what?!?" He looked at me mad. I looked at him then waved my hands

"Yeah, but I know where they are! I'll get them after work I promise!"

"If you don't your fired" I gave him a serious look then walked to him. I grabbed his ear and pulled him to my level

"You forget you wouldn't have this place if it wasn't for me. I got you the money. I fund this place." I let him go and went back to my stuff. I grabbed it and started to head for the door

"You remember I have known you since we were 6 and I know where you get your money. You dirty little-"

I stopped and turned around; stopping him in his tracks "Don't!...You dare finish that sentence. You know I do what's right! I don't consider what I do as what it's called!"

"But the hero's do" I stormed out before I said something I would regret later. I got to the changing rooms and went into one.

I took off my clothes and I put my socks and shoes on first like always the I wrapped the mechanical Neko tail around my waist. I then put on a lolita maid dress over my head. I always struggled with this part for two reasons. One because my head is so big it makes it hard to pull over my head and the other because I keep forgetting to unzip the zipper first

I had forgotten about the zipper this time so I had to unzip that. I pulled the dress over my head. Then I put on my white semi-transparent flower sleeves on. Lastly I put my Neko ears on and headed out the changing room. When I opened the door Hisahi was there. Hisahi is my bosses name.

"Remind me why you worke here again?" He snickered, Hisahi was the only one at work who knew about my secret because how he got his business start up was because of me. I donated one million dollars to help him. Not sure why he choose a Neko maid cafe, but I went with it I guess.

I scoffed and he snickered again. I pushed passed him; grabbed one of the pads and a pencil off the counter by the register then headed to wait some tables

After hours of waiting tables I had made about Fourty-six dollars in tips. That was not actually bad I usually get $twenty-two to Thirty-Four in tips. It was Lunch time and I was finishing my Lunch in the back room. When I finished I went to the counter and noticed that the lunch rushed had begun so I grabbed a note pad and immediately started to wait tables

~Aizawa POV~

'It's lunch time. I better go and return these cards to that woman' I walked out of the school and to that cafe. When I got there the sigh had a black Neko and next to the Neko it said 'Neko cafe' I sighed 'this is the place'

I walked in and there is a long line. I stood in the long line where the sign said 'to go'. Waiters were pushing past me and others to get to their tables. I tried not to laugh at their cute Neko maid outfits. I had finally got to the register

"Neko Neko ne" said the girl at the register "hello and welcome to Neko cafe. What would you like?"

"I'm looking for a girl with (color) hair, (color eyes. She uh has freckles"

"Oh your talking about Y/N" she looks around then spots the girl from earlier "Y/N Come here!" She yelled. The girl looked over then said something some people at a table and walked over

~Y/n POV~

I was waiting my tables when I heard my name called. I looked over and saw Stephane calling me

"I'll be right back" I told the people at table I was at. They nodded and I walked off. When I had got to the register I was shocked to see the man I bumped into earlier

Vigilante secrets (Shōta Aizawa x Fem vigilante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now