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I walked down to the cafeteria and searched everywhere for Hajaro and Jiro, but couldn't find them. I walked to the tables and saw a kid with green hair and a woman with purple hair sitting at the same table as them. I walked over and kept my composure

"Hey kids. Why didn't you immediately return?"

"This nice lady here bought us some ice cream after she accidentally ran into Hajaro" said Jiro

"I am terribly sorry for that. I was chasing after Izuku here after he ran away from Bakugo again"

"Izuku? So your one of Shõtas students? The one who always breaks his bones?" I said and pulled up a chair next to Jiro

"You know Aizawa Sensi?"

"Um...something like that"

"He never mentioned you" The purple haired girl looked at me suspiciously

"We met two weeks ago. I haven't know him for that long"

"So why are you here if you don't know him?"

"I was concerned about him. Anyways what's your name if you don't mind me asking?"

"The names Numari."

"Numari? Wait! Your the pro hero Midnight!"

"Yes that's me. So may I ask yours?"

"I'm Y/N. I'm not a hero at all."

"So how did you meet Shõta?"

"I was on my way to work one day when I had accidentally bumped into him. I dropped all of the cards for my boss and he returned them to me"

"Shõta actually returned them? Wonder why that is?"

"I don't know, but I'm glad he did. I almost got fired for it"

She looked at me for a second "Your cute, ya know that?"

"Um....thanks. I- I guess?" My cheeks heat up a little and I let out a small nervous chuckle.

She giggled "Your a little flustered. How cute"

"Um...Midnight sensi?" Asks Izuku

"Yes Midorya?" She looks at him

"Shouldn't we be heading back to the group now?"

"Oh right!" She turns her head back to me "Bye. Bye. cutie" she winked at me and I looked away

I continued to look at the ground for a bit then turned to Jiro and Hajaro "We should head back up"

"I want to go home though mama." Complained Jiro

"We will as soon as I get Shõta his juice pouch"


We walked to where they were selling Juice pouches and looked at all the kinds they had 'He didn't tell me what kind of juice pouch he wanted. Which once should I get him?'

"Hello and how May I help you?"

"Hello! Um...Can I get a grape juice pouch please?"

"Sure thing m'am" He goes to a small fridge and pulls out the grape juice pouch and places it on the counter "That will be four-hundred and fifteen yen (3.19 usd. I think)"

I reach into my purse and grab the money then hand it to him. He pushed the pouch forward and I took it "Thank you" then walked back to Shõtas room. Once we got up there, I saw that he fell asleep so I turned to Jiro and Hajaro; squatting down. "Go wait outside for me ok? I'm going to put this on the table over there then I'll be out. Don't go anywhere, got it?" They both nodded and went outside. I stood up and headed over to the table next to the bed. I sat down the pouch on the small table next to the bed then as was about to head out, I heard a noise.

"Your not going to stay?"

I turned around "I need to get the kids back to their father before I get yelled at again, but I promise that I'll be back to visit you tomorrow and Monday before you get out"

"Before you do go, can you open the juice pouch and put it to my mouth? Kinda hard to eat or drink anything with my arms like this"

I nodded then walked back over and did as he said. When he finished I threw the pouch in the trash "Bye. I'll see you tomorrow"

"Bye Y/N"

I walked out of the room "Let's get back before I get scolded by your father for not resting" We walked all the way to entrance and I was shocked to see Demetri standing outside. My eyes went wide and I gasped

"You should be resting! What are you doing here?!?"

We walked to him "The kids wanted to go to the park and you weren't there so I took them. I know I should be resting, but I couldn't say no to them"

He sighed "Your Asthma could have gotten worse! Your lucky it didn't."

"You should know that I don't listen to you anymore"

"Ugh whatever. Let's just get back to the warehouse"

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around "Is everything alright Y/N?"

"Oh Hey Numari! Yeah everything's good"

"Really? Doesn't sound like it"

"No no. It all good" I turned back to Demetri "We should head back now. Come on kids" I started walking and soon, I could hear Demetri's footsteps after me. He managed to catch up to me

"Who was that?"

"Doesn't matter. Let's get to the warehouse now" I walked faster while pushing the kids along with me.

When I entered the warehouse, I took the kids to the play area then went to my cot and sat down. Demetri walked over and sat down next to me "Sorry for getting so mad, but you need to rest if you want to fight again. Now I don't know why you were at the hospital and I'm not going to pry about it" He paused for a a moment to catch his breath. "Now promise me that you will get some rest until your better ok?"

I looked at the ground then back at him. He gave me a stern look "Fine..."

"Thank you." He hugged me and I hugged back "Now get some rest" I nodded and laid down then fell fast asleep

Vigilante secrets (Shōta Aizawa x Fem vigilante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now