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I got to the side of the bank and crawled into one of the air ducks. I crawled around until I found the vault ducts and jumped right in. I'm tiny so I can squeeze into a lot of things. I landed right inside the vault and begin to load up the bag. Once I was done I climbed back up into the duct and crawled back out. Once I got out I set down the bag on my bike

"You really shouldn't be doing that." A voice said and I jumped around to see a figure standing it the darkness "Guess I gotta stop you now. That's just great. On my night to patrol?" They sighed then slowly walked out of the darkness. My eyes went wide when I had realized who it was. It was Aizawa! My eyes went wide then returned to normal

"And who might you be? Another pathetic hero?"

"Not all hero's are pathetic. I'm certainly not pathetic. Anyways, I gotta stop you now, you villain"

I giggle "First of all, I'm not a villain. And second?" I look at him "Catch me if you can!" I grabbed the bag and ran off as fast as I can

"If it's a chase you want so be it!" I heard his footsteps chase after me. He sounded like he was getting close so I hoisted myself up with some vines on a building and kept running. I heard him jump onto the building and continue running like I did

'Shit! He's so fast! I don't think I can out run him!' I kept running as fast as I could and even looked behind me a few times to see how far off he was of me. I didn't want him to catch up to me. I looked behind me once more, but wasn't watching where I was going and fell off the side of the building I was on. I gasped. I could feel the fear build up inside of me. There were no vines anywhere near me, I couldn't use my fire because it's useless in this situation and so is my water. My lightning would be useless unless I'm in a combat situation. I closed my eyes and waited for my fate

I felt something wrap around me and I got pulled somewhere. When I opened my eyes I felt that Aizawa had his arm wrapped around me and he was really close to my face "That was a fun little chase. Too bad you almost died" I tried to move, but realized that I couldn't "Squirm all you want. My capture weapon is tight around you. You won't be able to escape. Now let's get you to jail villain"

"I'm not a villain!"

He didn't say anything and just let go of me. I fell to the ground, which hurt! He grabbed the bag with the money in it and started pulling me on the ground "Before you carry on. May I say something?"

He stopped in his tracks and turned to me "Hm?"

I giggled "your really handsome"

"Oh?" He walked to me and bent down "I would say the same, but I can't see your face. May I see who you are?" He reaches for my mask and I panic. I open my hand and shoot a fireball at him. He flies to a wall a few feet behind him and his capture weapon looses his grip on me. I get up and see that he was passed out on the ground so I walked to him and crouched down

'I'm sorry Shōta...I can't let you know it's me' I bent down, took off my mask, kissed his forehead and left. I ran all the way back to the warehouse

Aizawa -POV-

I reached for the villains face and saw them panic. The next thing I knew I flew into a wall and passed out.

I opened my eyes and had a terrible headache and couldn't remember anything. I sat up and looked at the time. 'My shift is almost over' I stood up then suddenly remembered everything. I sighed out of disappointment then went and grabbed my capture weapon then went home

When I got home I took a shower. When I got out and the fog cleared out the mirror. I looked at my face and was shocked to see first degree burns. A image pops in my head and I see a fireball coming towards my face

"That villain burned my face! She will pay for that!" I growled then changed and went to bed


When I got back to the warehouse, I was out of breath

"Boss are you alright?" Said once of my men

"I'm fine. I finally found a hero that is hard to outrun. I managed to eventually loose him"

"Who was the hero?"

"Ever heard of the underground hero named 'Eraserhead'?" He shook his head "He caught me robbing the bank. He was so fast that I barely out ran him. I managed to get close to him and shoot a fireball at him. It knocked him out so I took off. His capture weapon managed to weaken me, but with a little rest I'll be fine. How did the rescue mission go?"

"I'm not sure. Demetri isn't back yet. Maybe he got caught?"

"Doubt it. Demetri has never been caught in all the years I have known him." I used too much of my energy that I had to catch myself on a wall "Boss! I think you should probably go get some rest"

"No...No! I'm-Im fine. I want to wait until Demetri gets back"

"I don't think that's such a good idea m'am. You should go rest"

"I said no! I'll wait until Demetri gets back"

"Don't you remember what happened last time you didn't get rest?"

"I said no an-" The next thing I'm I knew, everything went black and I felt myself fall obto the cold hard tile floor.

Vigilante secrets (Shōta Aizawa x Fem vigilante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now