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I quiverd as Shōta stares at me "Your the once who threw a fireball at me! You caused a scar on my face, you bitch!"

I forced myself to stop shaking and hold down the pain his words caused me. I looked in the corner of my eye and saw a villain running at me. "Look old man. Do you want my help with these villains or not?!?" I said as I jumped into the air and dodged the villain

"Go to hell! You are one of them!"

I gasped as I punched a villain in her face "I am not a villain! How many times do I have to say it Old man!?" I stood there trying to collect my thoughts 'So he hates me like this because I'm a villain, but when I'm dressed as regular me he doesn't? I'm confused...but then again...he doesn't know..."

"So you two know each other?" Laughs the Villain with hands on him and I snap out of my thoughts

"Not really" I mumble to where he can hear me.

"Now I'm curious. Who's side are you on?" He points to me "The hero's or the villains?"

"I'm on neither. I'm on my own side. A side that does what's right. A side that is no villain nor a hero. Me? I'm a vigilante!" I chuckle then my crew also chuckles

"So your not one of us nor one of them? Hmmm...interesting." He stares at me for a second "Get them!" He yelled

Ten villains charged at me and I either dodged, punch, kicked, or used my quirk on them. More villains came at me and we continued to knock them down. When they were knocked down, I clutched my chest 'Shit my asthma!'

"Boss!" Demetri runs towards me "I told you that you should have stayed! Your not well enough" He whispers

"I'll be fine Robust. Take half the team and help the students"

"I'm not leaving you, but I will send half to protect them" He turns to Anna - who heard the whole conversation- and nods to her. She reaches into her pocket and grabs a green flag. We use colored flags as a code. Green means split into two groups and follow the one with the flag. Everyone looks over at her and follows the directions of the color. Half of them split up and follow Anna to the training sites. I slowly started to stand back up, but was stopped by Demetri "Let me handle this. Your weak right now"

I ripped his arms off me "I said I'm fine Robust. Get off of me. I can handle myself"

"I know you can Boss, but please at least let me help you"

"Fine, but don't slow me down" We continued knocking down villains that came at us. I decided to go for the big guy - that was pinning Aizawa - and almost got punched by him. I jumped in the air and gathered a ball of lightning and shot it at it. It didn't even affect it. I landed a ways away from it and it roared

"Your attacks against momo are pointless. He's indestructible!"

"We'll see about that!" I put my hand up and formed a ball of lightning then I added Fire, vines, and water to it. I heard a gasp behind me

"Boss! Don't do it! You could die!"

"Shut up Robust!" I aimed the hall at the beast "Elemental burst!" I yelled then fired it. It hit the beast and sent him flying. I started falling to the floor, but was caught by someone. I looked up and saw Shōta holding me. I backed away from him and bumped into Demetri, who put his arms around me to support me "Thanks for catching me" I looked at the ground

"Whatever" He fell to the floor

"Sh-....Are you ok sir?" I removed Demetris hands from around me and fell to the floor with him

Aizawa -POV-

"I'm fine. Just a little tired is all" I saw her reach out her to me. I looked at her and she smiled through her mask. Her smile seemed familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I didn't take her hand and just stood up on my own "I don't need help from the likes of you"

she stood to her feet "ya know, it ok to accept a little help Shōta"

My eyes went wide "How do you know my name?"

Her eyes went wide like she realized her mistake "I..." before she could come up with a pathetic excuse, she was hit by something and went flying sideways


My side hit a wall and I fell to the ground. I stood up, but couldn't feel my arm. I looked over and saw that beast thing about 10 feet in between me and Shōta 'How could I be so stupid! I said his name without thinking!!!' I facepalmed. The beast charged at me, but then got blasted back by something powerful. When the dust cleared, I could see what was going on. It was the number one pro hero: Allmight.

"Are you alright m'am?"

"I'm fine. Thank you"

'Been a while Toshinori. I see your still the same as always'

"It's been a while, my friend" I say in gibberish to where only he heard me

He turns to me and gasps "Y/N?" He whispers

I didn't say anything and ran off, but as I was running I felt something or someone hit my in the head really hard. I fell and was caught by someone. I saw Demetri looking at me, he sighed then help up a orange flag and blew a whistle, which means to retreat and head back. My mind went black and my eyes went shut.

'I'm sorry Shõta and Toshinori'

Vigilante secrets (Shōta Aizawa x Fem vigilante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now