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I woke up in a cot at the warehouse with a terrible headache. I slowly sat up and was soon crowned by my whole gang

"Boss! Your awake"

"So glad your ok"

Everyone began talking at once that if overwhelmed me. "Alright everyone, Give her some space" said Demetri "She just woke up and we don't want to overwhelm her now" They backed up and he slowly walked towards me "How ya feeling Boss?"

"I have a terrible headache"

"You were hit in the head pretty hard"

"How long was I out?"

"You have been out since Wednesday. It's Saturday"

"Three days?!? I have been out for three days?!?"


'I must have been hit really hard in order to sleep for that long' I got lost in my thoughts for a moment then realized 'Wait! It's Saturday?!' I looked around "It's Saturday...We have to preform tonight"

"No we don't. I called and told them you had a terrible accident so we won't be able to make it"

"But their counting on us Demetri!"

"I know, but until your better, you are staying here. Don't worry. I have been taking care of the kids while you were out"

I chuckled "Finally deciding to play Dad are you now?"

"I have been playing it. Now lay down a rest"

I laid back down a fell asleep. I woke up about a hour later to someone shaking me awake "mama!"

I sat up "huh?"

"Can we go to the park? There's no school today and we're bored" asks Hajaro

"Ask Demetri"

"We can't, he and someone of the others went out to get some supply's. Please take us?" Said Jiro

I sighed "ok fine, but only for a few hours ok?"

"Yay!" The both cheered.

"Go put your shoes on" They both left and I got up and headed to my room. I was still wearing my costume so I quickly changed out of it and headed out, where Jiro and Hajaro were waiting for me. We headed out the door and to the park. Along the way we passed by the beach. 'Is it just me or do this beach look cleaner than normal? Did someone move all the trash off it?'

"Y/N!" I heard footsteps behind me

"Huh?" I turned around to see Toshinori walking to me "Oh hey Toshinori. I had heard you were back in town"

"Yeah I am. It's been a while hasn't it?"

I smile "yeah it has"

He like to the side of me "Who are they?"

I pat Jiro and Hajaro head "Their my kids"

"Kids? Wow. It has been that long then"

I smile at him for a second then he broke the silence "You shouldn't have been there. You got hurt because of your stupidity"

"I had to save those kids. Your the one who showed up late for some reason"

"A lot has changed since I last saw you ok? I got into a fight and it damaged me really bad. Since then I could only hold my form for three hours a day, but I pushed it a lot yesterday after you left that I can only hold it for a hour a day now. I have to take caution!"

"Have you found someone yet?"

"I have actually" He points to where all the trash has been moved. There was a green haired boy moving trash to the pile "He was a quirk less boy who I gave it to. He gets stronger everyday"

"Quirkless? Just like you were and let me guess. He wanted to be a hero even without a quirk?" He nods "He reminds me of you. Take care of him" I turned around

"After you left the USJ, I tried to find you so I could scold you. Shōta told me where you worked, but all they told me was that you were out sick for a few days"

"More like I passed of for a few days. Also you know Shōta? How's he doing?"

"Yeah I work with him at UA. He's in the hospital right now. He woke up the day after the incident. I had mentioned you and he immediately seemed to know who you are"

"I met Shōta last week. I don't know much about it. Also he's in the hospital? What happened after I passed out?"

"He continued to fight villains after you left. He ended up with a permanent scar on his face and his arms arm in a cast"

"That's terrible"

"You still shouldn't have been there. I know it's your job and I can't stop you from doing what you do, but don't do anything like that again please?"

"No promises Toshinori. And if you wanted to stop me, you could actually do that, but you don't want an old friend to go to jail now do you? I don't need you to protect me. If I go to jail then I just go." I looked at him for a second "I need to go now. Bye Toshinori" I turned around and saw the green hair boy staring at me

"Izuku. Are you done training?"

"Yes Sensi. Can we eat now?"

"Yes. Come on" He walked past me and I started walking when I heard Toshinori "It was nice to see you again Y/N"

I turned my head and smiled "You too Toshinori. Take care now" and with that last goodbye, I left

We went to the park for about two hours then started heading back to the warehouse. We passed by the hospital and I had stopped. I was debating if I should go and see Shōta or not.

"Mama? Are you going to see that tall man? He seems like a good guy" says Jiro. I had no words and just continued staring at the hospital then I felt Hajaro grab my arm and pull me inside

"Go see him mama! I know you want too." I take a deep breath then we head to the front counter

Vigilante secrets (Shōta Aizawa x Fem vigilante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now