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~The past~

"Alright everyone. Are you ready for the woods field trip?"

"Yes!" The whole class said in excitement

Joan turns to me "This is going to be such a amazing trip. I'm so excited for this!"

"So am I" I say in a mono tone

"You don't seem excited. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. I really am excited about the trip, it's just that...I didn't get much sleep last night"

"Again? For the past week you haven't been getting enough sleep. Are you sure your alright?"

"I'm sure. I appreciate the concern. I'll try and get sleep on the bus, if I can"

"Hope you do girlie"

-The present-

I opened my eyes slowly. My vision was blurry, but I could see some people standing over me. I sat up slowly and my vision became clearer "What...What happened?"

"You fainted because of a asthma attack." Our nurse Po said "Here." He hands me a "L" shaped object. My vision finally clears up and I see that it's my inhaler. I take it then put my hand on my chest to feel my lungs. I can barely breathe! I quickly take two puffs from it "You will be fine as long as you rest a little"

"How long was I out?"

"About a hour. Demetri returned shortly after you fainted. He wanted me to tell you that the rescue mission was a success"

"That's good to hear"

"I suggest you rest until morning"

"Before she does. Is it alright if I have a quick word with her?" Demetri says from his cot. He gets up and walks over

"Sure" Po stands up and leaves then Demetri bends down to me

"While you were out, we got a call. We have a gig on Saturday"

"They want us to play? But what about last time?"

"They said that their band quit and no one else agreed so I told him yes, but you might want to call him back in the morning"

"Ok I will. I need to get home"

"The doctor said that you need to stay here for the night. Po doesn't want you to faint again. So you are staying here ok?"

I groan "Fine..." I lay down while pulling the sheets on me

"How are the kids?" He asks

"Their fine. You should spend more time with them"

"I will try to tomorrow...Goodnight"

"Goodnight Demetri" I closed my eyes

-The next morning-

I opened my eyes and sat up slowly. I looked across the room and saw that everyone - except Demetri - was still asleep

"Morning boss. How did you sleep?"

"I slept fine. What about you?"

"I didn't..."

"You didn't sleep?"

"I didn't sleep much"

"Still having nightmares about...that?"


"You need to get over that. It was years ago"

"It's the reason why we split...I wish it never happened"

"That's not the only reason we split..."

"I know"

"Anyways" I stand up from off the cot "You at least try to get some sleep. I need to get ready for my day job"

"Ok I'll try"

I walk to my room and change back into my clothes from yesterday then I head home. When I got home, I changed into new clothes then headed to work. On my way I remembered something

'Oh right I need to call those people back!' I took out my phone and dialed a number

"Hello?" A man on the other line said

"Hello. One of my members said that you have a gig for us on Sunday and that he agreed to it?"

"Yes m'am, he did. I told him to confirm with if it was ok. So?"

I sigh "sure. Well preform on Saterday"

"That is great to hear m'am. I'll see you then" He hangs up and I put my phone back in my pocket

"What's this about a gig Saturday?"

I jumped and turn around "Aizawa! Don't do that"

"It's fun so no. So are you going to tell me or not?"

"Well you see, I'm in a band. We sometimes preform at The Bar. They called us and said that the band they had for tonight had quit so they want us to preform"

"Your in a band? Interesting and I love to go to The Bar, but I have never seen you there"

"Yeah. I have preformed at The Bar a few times now. So are you on your way to work?"

"Yeah I am and so are you?"

"Yep" I looked at his face as we were walking then stopped and put my hand where a burn mark is "What happened here?"

"...I was on patrol last night when I caught a villain robbing a bank. I chased them until she fell off a building because they weren't paying attention. I had to catch them with my capture weapon and I was about to drag them to jail when they had called me handsome so I wanted to to see their face to return the compliment. I hate being a nice guy sometimes" He paused and sighed "When I bent down to take off their mask I was shot by a fireball and blasted into a wall. I passed out and when I awoke, I went home and notice this mark on my face. I vowed that that villain would pay for this"

I gasped and felt my heart shatter by his words. I brushed it off for later "I think your overreacting"

"I don't think I am"

I went to the grass and placed my hand on it. A vine sprouted with a leaf on it and I took it then went back to Shōta. "This will heal your face"

"What? I'm fine."

"Shōta. Let me heal you"

"I said no"

I sighed then broke the leaf in half and out oozed something. I grabbed it on my fingers and raised it to Shōta's face. He grabbed my wrist and we both gasped

Vigilante secrets (Shōta Aizawa x Fem vigilante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now