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~Y/n POV~

I looked down at the both of them with my serious face

"Just because I'm home doesn't mean your both off the hook" I said in a gibberish language

They backed up and looked up at me "Sorry mama" Says Jiro and Hajaro back in the gibberish language

I crouched down and turned to Jiro and sighed "So who started the fight you or the other person?"

Jiro looked at the ground "They did?" I looked at her and she sighed "I did..."

"Look I know you have anger issues, but what have I taught you?"

"Breath before I get mad"

"Good" I turned my head to Hajaro "And what have I told you about talking back to grow folks?"

"that talking back to grow ups is bad"

I looked at the both of them "I hope you learned your lessons" They nodded and I stood up

"What language was that?" I turned my head to Shouta

"It's a language that I cannot explain. Well more like it's hard to explain it"

Hajaro walked up to Shouta and looked up "whoa! Your a tall man" I giggled


"What? He is! He's taller than father"

"Hajaro stop" from the corner of my eye I could see Shōta slightly smiling

"He's not wrong" I looked up at him "I mean compared to me your kinda a midget"

"Your like 6'0 ft! I'm 5'3!" He snickered "that's not funny!"

"It's a little funny"

I felt someone come up behind me and attack me "sorry I'm late!"

"Ah!" The person got off me. I turned around to see my little sister Tasha "Don't do that!" I said in gibberish to her

"Sorry. I came as soon as I could"

My phone rang and I answered it "hello?"

"Stephany had to leave because of her contractions and now we are short staff. How soon can you get here?"

"I'll be right there" I hung up the phone and looked at everyone "I have to get back to work. They are short staffed"

"Did Stephany leave again because of her baby?"

I nodded "Take them to the warehouse and I'll meet you there after work" I told her in gibberish

"Okay" Tasha grabbed both Jiro and Hajaros hands "come along" They walked off.

I walked to my maid: Amsi "you can take the day off or go with them if you want" I told her in gibberish

"I'll go with them because I need to do something at the warehouse" she said back in gibberish then went back into the house

I turned back to Shōta. It was just me and him "so when does your next class start?"

He checked his phone "13 minutes"

"Well we better start walking then" I grabbed his wrist and pulled him. I pulled him for a bit then he yanked his wrist away

"Sorry to ask, but how old are you y/n?"

"I'm 28 almost 29. How old are you?"


"So you almost 29? When's your birthday?"

"It's in 16 days"

"Happy almost birthday"


"So do you want to try and explain that language?"

"It's hard to explain like I said, but I can try. It's a dead language that no one has heard of. It was passed down in my family for generations"

"Dead language that no one has heard of huh? That's interesting"

"Yeah. It was made up by a family friend so many generations ago"


"Yeah. My family like the language so much that we decided to keep it and pass it to the next generation."


"So do you have any family?"

"I had my dad. He died when I turned 16. I was alone for a very long time after he died"

"And what about your mom?"

"Died during child birth. What about you?"

"Me? I'm pretty boring. Found out my quirk when I was 4 like everyone else. Grew up went to school and I work at UA with a bunch of roudy and chaotic kids"

"What's your quirk?"

"I can erase people's quirks. You?"

"Oh I can...control nature..."

'I had to lied to him for a good reason' I thought to myself

"Well we're at UA"

I looked up at the gigantic school "It's been so long..."

"Well I guess I'll see you then. Bye"

"Ok bye Shōta" I waved bye, but before I could leave I felt someone run into me, knocking me forwards. I felt a arm catch around my waist and when I looked up Shouta was holding me and I gasped while blushing slightly

Vigilante secrets (Shōta Aizawa x Fem vigilante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now