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Shōta chases me for a few minutes before he collapses on the ground. I turn around to see him trying to get off the ground.

"Something the matter, Eraser?" I say in a smug tone. "You seem like you are already injured."

He looks up at me. "You shut the fuck up!" He manages to stand up off the ground.

"Are you sure that you want to fight me in your current condition?"

His breathing becomes heavy and he holds his bandage wounds. "When it comes to evil...I'll fight anyway I can!" I silently gasp as he run at me again. I jump out of the way and land on the pavement.

"I don't think we should be fighting when one of us is injured. It won't end well for the both of us."

"Didn't I say to shut up?!? You will go to jail for your crimes, you villain!"

I let out a annoyed sigh. The fact that he keeps calling me that is really starting to tick me off. "How many times do I have to say it?!? I'm not a villain! I do my own thing, weather it is good or bad, depends on the situation!"

"I don't care. In my eyes, you are evil since you don't fight on the Hero's side." He runs at me and I dodge him once again.

"Look man. I'm not going to fight you in this condition. Go home, rest up and then we can continue." I try not to sound like the me that he knows out of this uniform.

"I'll rest when your in jail!" He runs at me again, but I decide not to dodge and instead manage to grab his arm and pin him to the ground using my knee and arm to hold one of his arms.

"I will not fight you in your current condition Eraser. I understand that you want to send me to jail because you think I'm a villain, but I'm not! I have tried to tell you that, but you just won't listen to me!" I let him go and walk off. I wasn't lying about what I said. I told him earlier that he should be on bed rest and he didn't listen to me! I didn't want to make his condition worse so I decided to be the bigger person and walk away before I accidentally make him end up in the hospital.

Just then I heard some footsteps run after me and I jump out the way once more. I turn around to see Shōta picking himself off the ground again. He can barley stand this time. I feel as if I should help him, but that can resolve in a lot of things happening. I decide to just stand there and do nothing. He manages to get up, but almost falls in the process. "You need to rest eraser. Like I have already said, I will not fight you in your current condition. Rest up then find me in a few days and we can continue this fight."

"Why not finish this now? The faster we get this done, the better. And I won't have to deal with you anymore."

I say nothing as he charges at me again. I do a backwards cartwheel out of the way, hitting him in the face with my foot as I do. I hear him groan and stumble backwards onto the pavement. I land in a superhero pose then look at Shōta as he manage to sit up. "I refuse to fight you like this, Eraser. Your too injured to fight anyone." I stand up out of the pose. "I suggest that you go home and get some rest. We can finish this fight the next time we meet." I watch him struggle to keep himself up so I turn to leave again, but stop myself and turn to him again to see that he managed to sit on his knees. "Why are you so obsessed with me?" He just stares at me, panting heavily

"It is my job...to take...down...villains...I am not...obsessed with...you..." he said as he took deep breaths in between some words.

"You seem like you are! You are literally sitting in front of me, injured and you are still trying to lock me up! You are obsessed with me Shōta! You didn't even listen to me when I said that you need to rest!" I didn't realize I had said his name until the look he gave me.

"How do you know my real name?" He said then forces himself to stand up. "Only certain people know that information...So your either stalking me...or your someone I already know..."

"Uh..." I back up as he slowly starts to walk towards me. "I don't stalk people. That's weird!"

"So your someone I know then?"

I panic, but try not to show it. "I have n-never met you i-in my life!"

"So your lying to me? You just stuttered." I open my mouth to say something, but immediately close it again. I felt my back hit something cold so I look behind me and find a white wall.

Suddenly I feel something wrap around my whole body and restrain me. I look at Shōta who is just starting at me from a few feet. I try and remove my hand like I had done so before when he had me like this, but had no luck. I am completely tied up and can't move anything.

"Can't get out of this one, can you? Not going to shoot me with one of those little fireballs now." He shoots me a menacingly smile. "Now let's see who you are." He reaches for my mask. I have no choice, but to accept the fact that he's going to be mad at me, that once he knows...he will hate me. I am going to lose the one I...the one I love... I feel a tear drip down my as he puts his hand on my mask.

Vigilante secrets (Shōta Aizawa x Fem vigilante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now