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A week after Shõta got his casts off and my asthma had gotten way better, he always asked me to hang out and I agreed to because I had nothing to do. He had taken me to many places, which I found some of them kinda odd. He took me to The Bar, a fancy restaurant, and many other places. I'm not sure why he took me to restaurant, but it was a nice night and I actually had fun. I soon realized that I might have fallen for this man, which was both good and bad

I was sitting in my living room at my house when he had texted me

'Y/N. I was wondering if it was ok if I came to your job tomorrow and talk to you about something?'

'Huh? What could this be about?' I texted back 'Sure i guess'

The next day had come and I was waiting tables when I saw Shõta walk in from the corner of my eye. I was taking someone's order so I couldn't walk up to him. Hisahi walks up to me and whispers into my ear

"That guy from a month ago is here. I think he has a thing for you"

I blush at his words "I doubt that" I look at the ground then walk into the back

"Whatever you say, Y/N. You look like you might have a thing for him too"

"I don't! He is a hero and you know how I feel about them!"

"Not all of them are bad. Hd actually seems like a good guy"

"Shut up please. Can I take off for lunch early?"

"Hm? You going with him?"

"No. He just wants to talk to me about something"

"Fine. Go ahead, but it will come out of your paycheck" I scoff then walk to the changing rooms

-Aizawa POV-

It was finally Lunch time so I walked to Y/Ns job. I entered and saw she was waiting tables so I just stood at the door and waited.

I watched as some guy walked up to her and said something in her ear. She turned red and looked at the ground. I held back the jealousy that I felt and looked a different direction. From the corner of my eye, I saw Y/N walking into the the back room; followed by that guy. I didn't want to pry and assume anything

'Can't believe I'm actually going to tell her how I feel. Haven't done this type of shit in years'

After fifteen minutes went by, Y/N finally came out of the Employee's only door and walked over to me


I got back into my normal clothes then walked out the employee's only door. I saw Aizawa so I walked over go him

"Hey Shõta! I managed to take off for Lunch early so where do you want to go?"

"Well I know somewhere where they sell juice pouches and healthy food. The place is called "Elf". Would you'd want to go there?"

"I have never heard of it, but it sounds like a good place so sure"

"It doesn't get as much business anymore, but it's still a pretty good place for juice pouches"

We begin walking and talking about random things. I was wonder what he wanted to talk about

"So yesterday you said you wanted to talk to me about something. What is it?"

He stayed silent for a bit then finally spoke "I'll tell you after we leave Elf"

"Oh. Ok then" We had got to the place, which was actually not that far from where I worked. We got inside and it was so beautiful.  "This place looks so nice and beautiful"

"They tried to go for a nature theme"

"I love nature. I'm glad it's my quirk" I could see that he tried to not smile at my words so I went up to him "I don't see a menu. Where it is?"

"It's a little weird, but..." he points up at the ceiling and I look up. There it was, the menu! I was a little confused until I saw that it was behind lightbulbs shaped like the sun

"That's weird, but cool. And there are so many juice pouch flavors" I look back at him

"There are. My favorite is grape"

'So I guess I got the right kind at the hospital'

"So what would you like?"

"Um..." I look back up at the menu "I guess I'll get the fruit punch pouch and that all"

"Are you sure that's all you want?"

"Yeah. I'm not really in the mood to eat anything nor am I hungry"

"Ok then, if you say so" He walks past me to the counter. I look around more throughly at everything, making sure I pay attention to the detail in this place. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to to Shõta with two juice pouches in his hand

"Here you go." He hands the red pouch to me and I take it

"Thank you"

"So do you want to walk around and talk?"

"Sure. I don't have to be back for..." I look at my phone time "another twenty minutes"

We both walk out and head down the sidewalk; talking as we go

"So who told you I was in the hospital?"

"Oh...Um...That doesn't matter. All that matter is that I visited you to make sure you were ok" we both threw our pouches in a nearby recycling ben

"I'm curious to know who told you, but if you don't want to tell, I won't pry"

"Anyways you wanted to talk to me about something so what did you want to talk to me about?"

He sighed the looked at the ground "I haven't done this type of shit in a long while..." He looked back up at me

"What are you talking about Shõ?"

He sighed then grabbed my wrist and pulled me close. He then pressed his lips to mine

Vigilante secrets (Shōta Aizawa x Fem vigilante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now