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A few weeks had passed and me and Shōta were happy together. He always took me to places for dates or we would chill at his house or mine and watch a movie or something...

I'm sitting on my couch on a rainy day, watching TV, a soft blanket on me and some herbal tea in my hands. Both Hajiro and Jiro were in their room and I'm sipping my tea while switching through the channels. I finally settled on (your choice of the channel) and began watching while finishing the rest of my tea.

Once I finished my tea, I moved the blanket and went to the kitchen. I washed the cup and while I was washing it, I had gotten some soap water on my shirt so I went to change.

I replaced my shirt with a light blue tank-top. Once I put on my shirt and begin walking back to my couch, I heard a knock on my door. I wondered who it could be, since I had not been expecting anyone.

I opened the door to find Shōta staring at me. "Shōta? What are you doing here? I wasn't expecting you to come over tonight." I chuckled a little.

He was panting and was holding onto the side of the door frame so I looked at him more carefully. He looked tired and I noticed scratches on his face. His left eye had a big black bruise on it. Half his shirt was ripped down the center and I noticed a mark on his chest that was bleeding, one of his pants legs was ripped and his leg. I could see a gash on his leg

When I realized how terrible he looked, I immediately became concerned. "Shōta!? What happened!?" He didn't say anything and kept panting. The next thing I knew, he fell forward into me and I fell onto the floor. One of my arms wrapped around him and the other one I caught myself by putting on the couch behind me so I could steady myself. I was surprised at what just happened. He had passed out on top of me!

I managed to get Shōta off me and moved him to my couch using my wind element. I kinda struggled since he was so heavy and yes, just because I can use a element for things does not mean I can't feel the weight on the element.

I went to my bathroom and grabbed all of my bandages then went back to Shōta who was still passed out on my couch. I treated his wounds and bandage him up.

I was taught a lot of things in my life and one of them is how to handle wounds without going to a hospital. Kinda have to learn stuff like this when your wanted more of the time for the things you do.

Once I finished bandaging him up, I put the supplies back into the bathroom and sat on the arm chair next to the couch and slouched. I turned down the TV just incase he had a headache.

A hour had gone by and I felt myself falling asleep. I then heard a noise come from the couch so I turned my head. It was Shōta sitting up.

"Look who's up. How did you sleep?" I sat up in the chair

"W-what's going on? Where am I?" He put his hand to his head "My head hurts so much..." He looked at me. "Y/n? W-what?"

"You don't remember?" He shook his head. "You knocked on my door and when I saw the terrible condition that you were in, I asked what happened then you collapsed on top of me." I paused for a second and watched him touch the bandage on his leg. "You were a pain to move to the couch. Your not as light as you look for being so skinny and thin"

He looked at me. "Did...Did you bandage me up." I nodded. "How? This is amazing work"

"I have two kids. I have to repair smaller wounds than that because of their quirks. They like to fight a lot, which leads to a lot of blood and scars"

"Your kids fight a lot?"

"Yeah. It's a sibling thing. I hate having to bandage them up all the time"

"If you don't mind me asking...where are your kids?"

"They're in their room. Now that you mention it...they have been quite for a few hours now..." My parent instincts kicked in and I shot up from out of the chair. I fast walked to their room and opened the door. Hajiro was sleeping on his bed and Jiro was laying on her bed on her IPad. She noticed me and smiled.

"Hello mama. Do you need something?"

"Nope. Just checking in on you."

"Oh. Well while your here...can I show you something?"

I fully walk into the room while holding the door from hitting me in the face. "What is it dear?"

She sat up in the bed then raised her hand and extended her fingers. She then closed her eyes. A fireball formed in her hand and my eyes went wide. The fireball slowly turned into a heart and disappeared. I quickly closed the door behind me and ran to her

"Don't do that!"

"Why not? Your always encouraging us to practice our powers so we can become stronger"

"I do want you to become stronger, but I have a......friend here who thinks I have nature quirk. You have the same quirk as I do so please only use nature when he's around ok?"

"Is it that guy that you have been hanging out with for the past months?"

"Maybe. Anyways, promise me you'll only use nature until he's gone ok?"

She groaned. "Ok fine"

"Thank you" I gave her a kiss on the head then went back to the living room.

"You left really fast."

"Sorry...parental instincts" A knock then came on the door and I went to open it.

Vigilante secrets (Shōta Aizawa x Fem vigilante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now