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~Aizawa POV~

Y/N closed the door on me. 'I can't help, but feel like we shouldn't be together. I'm not sure why' I got lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize footsteps were coming towards me so I quickly ran to the bathroom and hid behind the door. I watched from the small crack through the door as Y/N tried to stop her sister from entering her closet. Her sister managed to open the door and Y/N was shocked to see that I was not there


When I didn't see that Shõta wasn't in the closet, my panic only got worse. Tasha walked in the closet "There is nothing in here. I have no idea why you got so worried"

I chuckled nervously then walked in after her. She started pulling down shirts and pants. She pulled down a purple top and some dark blue jeans down and threw them at me

"Put these on so we can go. You can pick out the shoes. The nail appointment is in a hour"

"Why not just leave now? We might be late if I changed now"

"I will not allow you to go out like that. Now hurry up. I am giving you ten minutes to get ready" She then walked out the room.

I quickly closed the door behind me and sighed. "Is she gone?" I jumped around to see Shōta walking out my bathroom

"Were you hiding in there?!?"

"Yeah. I heard you both walking towards your room so I quickly hid in the bathroom"

"Well I need to change so can you turn around?"

"Why? I have already seen half of your body and I liked it" He winked at me and my cheeks heated up

"Just turn around please!"

He chuckled. "Ok fine" He turns around and I quickly change. After about a minute, I put on all the things my sister handed me

"You can look now" I said as I passed him and went into my closet again to find a pair of shoes and socks. I heard Shōta approach as I grabbed a pair of white sneakers and then went to find a pair of socks

~Aizawa POV~

I watched as Y/N frantically looked through a small dresser when I noticed a ring on her middle finger. I stared at it for a few seconds and wondered why it looked so familiar. Suddenly images flashed into my mind of the villain I had chased that night and I saw a ring on their middle finger.

'Probably a coincidence. A lot of people wear rings on their middle finger.' I thought to myself. 'Y/N only has nature powers. That villain could moves vines and shot fire at me. No way that she could do that unless...y/n lied to me...She is not a villain!' I pushed the thought that she could be that villain out of my head, but was still curious about the ring

"May I ask where you got that ring from? The one on your middle finger there" she grabbed a pair of socks

Y/n then stood up; extended her hand and looked at the ring. "Oh this? It's a family heirloom. My mother gave it to me before she passed away"

"Really?" I took her hand into mine and she looked at the ground. "It's a really pretty ring. The diamonds around the lion look very expensive"

"The ring has been passed down for seven generations now. It's fairly old. When it was bought it was only two hundred sixty-nine yen ($2 usd)"

"Seven generations? That's quite a lot and that doesn't seem like that much for a ring, but it was a long time ago"

"Yeah it is and to them it was a lot" Y/N looked back up at me and I looked into their beautiful (color) eyes. The way the (color) shined in the light was wonderful.

She then cleared her throat and pushed passed me. "I need to put on my shoes before my sister asks why I'm not ready yet"

I walked out the closet while closing the door behind me and Y/N put her socks on. "Yeah. Don't want to explain that someone distracted you when she doesn't know that I'm in here right?"

Y/n only smiled while she tied the strings on her last shoe. She then stood up and kissed me on the cheek. "I must go now. Don't want to keep my sister waiting" she began to walk past me

I didn't have the time to think and just acted. I had grabbed her wrist without thinking. There was not turning back now so I pulled her back and close to me. My hand went around her waist and my face went smug

"Can I get a kiss before you leave?" My tone was also smug. Y/n's head went down and I could barely see, but I could tell that they were red. Her body also started to heat up. "I'm guessing that's a no?"

"No, no I..."

"So it's a no?"

"No, yes! I'm mean yeah" she looks up at me

I smiled then put my hand on her chin and kissed her. She kissed me back and I pulled y/n closer. We kissed for a minute and then we heard a knock on the door and we immediately stopped

"Y/N! It's time to leave! I don't want to late"

"Shit! I almost forgot" I looked at Y/N. "Bye Shōta" she kissed my cheek then walked to the door and I walked to the closet. I watched her leave then put my socks and shoes back on. I got my shirt and put it back on then went to the window and saw Y/N and her sister walk to a car. Once they left, I went to my apartment.


So sorry that I was gone for so long. I lost motivation and ideas for this story.

Vigilante secrets (Shōta Aizawa x Fem vigilante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now