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Shōta was so close I could smell the cigarette smell from him and a rubber kinda smell which I think is his scarf

"Are you ok?" He let go and I back up a little

"Y-yeah thanks" I looked around to see who bumped into me and saw a green haired kid trying to find a hiding spot "who's he?" I pointed to the boy

Shōta turned his head then let's out a disappointed sigh. He then grabbed my arm and pulls me next to him and suddenly I hear a voice come from the steps of the school. I looked over and saw a blond boy with explosions coming out of his hands

"OI NERD COME BACK HERE I WASN'T DONE YET!" He then ran to where the boy was and i automatically knew he was going to try and hurt him so I reacted on instinct; put my hand out and wrapped vines around the boy

"WHAT THE HELL?!?" He turned his head to me

I felt a hand on my shoulder "that's usually my job, but thanks. Bakugo is such a handful"

"I- I reacted completely on instinct..." I put my hand down, but the vines were still holding Bakugo

I watched as Shōta walked to the boys 'should I leave or stay? I should probably go my boss is gonna wonder where I am' the vines let go of blond boy and I started to walk off

"Wait" I turned my head and saw Shōta walking towards me. He stopped in front of me and sighed

"I'm sorry that I ran into you earlier and thanks for returning those cards"

"Well as a pro hero it is part of my job"

"I can tell your really strict and maybe you'll get my kids if they decide to go here"

"Hope not. I can barely handle the kids I have now"

"I better get going. Don't want my boss yelling at me again. It was nice to meet you Shōta"

"You too I guess Y/N" he looked at the ground

I giggled a little then walked back to the cat cafe. I got back and quickly changed back into my uniform then got back to work


Finally my shift was over so I changed and headed out the door. I looked at the time and saw that it was almost time for the students to walk out of UA 'Guess I'm taking the long way to the Warehouse. Don't want to get in the students way' I start to walk to the warehouse when I felt someone tap on my shoulder so I jumped and turned around

"Hey" It was Aizawa

"Oh hey. What are you doing here?"

"My apartment is this way"

"Oh it is? Well I'm on my way to my sisters house  to pick up my kids"

"Mind if I walk you there"

"Um...no thanks. I'll be fine on my own"

"Well we're still going to be stuck with each other for a while because I have to go this way too. I hope you don't mind?"

"Oh not at all"


We walked until we got to a small apartment complex alleyway "This is my stop I better be off now"

"Bye Shōta" I waved and we split ways. I hurried around the corner and all the way to a warehouse.

When I got to the warehouse, I scanned my hand print and walked in. Like always, I was greeted bye by Dimitri

"Hey boss. How's it going?"

"Hey Dimitri. I'm fine. How's everything been since I was at work?"

"Well the traines have made some progress. They can now kill without hesitation"

"That's good. Anything else?"

Demitri looks at the ground "Um..."

"Spit it out!"

"One of our guys got caught robbing from a bank when he was trying to get more money for us..."

"WHAT?!?" I sigh in frustration "I'll get the money tonight. You go find a way to get him out of jail"

"Yes m'am" He walks off into another room then I look out the window of the door.

"Still have a few hours" I walked to the day center that we have for everyone's kids and saw Hajaro and Jiro playing with the other kids. I cleared my throat and all the kids looked at me "Hajaro. Jiro. Come here" They got up and we all walked out of the room. I bent down to their level "If I get a call from work again then you both will have your weapon privileges removed for a month. Got that?"

"Yes mama" They said in unison

"You can go back to playing now" I opened the door and they walked back in the room. I went to my room and along the way I stopped at the vehicle department "Have my bike ready in ten minutes"

"Yes m'am" He begins to work on the keypad and I walk off to my room

I change into my uniform. I put my black shirt, pants, socks, and shoes on then grab my mask that is dark red and dark grey. (kinda looks like shinso's mask. It covers your face and nose, but has a circle shape instead of a diamond) The mask is to hide my identity and the black clothing is so that I don't stand out in the dark. Lastly, I put on my gloves so I don't leave any fingerprints wherever I go.

I open the door and walk back to the vehicle department, but was stopped by Demetri "I'm on my way out too m'am. I found a way to get our comrade out. Is it alright if we leave together?"

"Fine, but once we're outside, we split ways, Got it?"

"Yes m'am"

We walked together; hopped on our bikes and spend off. At the next intersection we split ways. One to the police station and the other to the back to get money.

Vigilante secrets (Shōta Aizawa x Fem vigilante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now