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⚠️ Fluff/slight smut⚠️

We both sit down on the couch. I let out a sigh. "If order for you to understand everything, I first have to tell you how it all started." I begin. "My father died when me and my sister were young. My mother then became a drunk and I had to provide for us, but the problem was that we were poor. I had to steal things to keep me, my sister and my mother alive." I stop to take a breath. "A year after I had got accepted into UA, my mother passed away from grief and alcohol poisoning so it was just me and my sister. I didn't tell anyone for the fear of me and my sister being split up so we continued living in our old house. We both went to school during the day and at night, I stole things to keep us alive. Things like: money, food, clothes and so much more." I stop and take another breath. "Once I got kicked out of UA, I was already old enough to begin working without permission so that's what I did. I have already told you why I was kicked out of UA. When I was eighteen, I started my gang called: The Snakes." I pause to take another breath and notice Shōtas wide eyes and curious face. "Our group is a bunch of vigilantes who help people who need it the most. We also steal from the bank to help us with the funds, which is probably why you thought I was a villain, but I'm actually a vigilante."

After explaining everything, Shōta just looks at the ground and process everything I just said. I get up and go to the kitchen while he deals with that and make a pot of coffee. Once it is finished, I pour it into two cups; add a little cream and sugar into one for me and the other is left untouched for Shōta. I bring them both back to the couch with me and Shōta is just leaning back on the arm chair next to the couch. "This explains a lot." He says as I hand him the coffee and he takes it. "Thanks" he says. I sit down on the couch.

"Explains what?" I ask then take a sip of coffee.

"Everything that you just told me. It all makes sense."

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"When I went to UA. There was this rumor that a girl had gotten kicked out of the school for not following the rules. After she had left, more rumors had spread that she got caught up in something really bad that got her wanted by the cops. I'm assuming that girl is you."

"If there were rumors of a girl name Pola, then that was me. I changed my name after I started my gang because I didn't like my legal name." His eyes go wide. "I also dyed my hair a different color so that I wasn't as recognizable. I still keep it dyed to this day."

"Wow. I'm at a loss for words."

"You know I'm surprised as well. Before I got expelled, I always tried to get your attention because I wanted to be your friend, but was always too scared to talk to you. When I heard you were a pro hero, I was happy for you, thought you never knew who I was. And when you entered the cafe that day, I immediately knew who you were, but ignored it, but then everything got crazy and we happened. Never thought that the boy who I wanted to be friends in high school with ended up being with me." I give him a smile as he finishes his coffee.

"Why did you want to be friends with me?"

"I just thought you seemed like a good friend so I wanted to see if that was true. Another reason I didn't talk to you was because of how loud Hizashi is."

Aizawa chuckles. He then puts his cup on the table and I do the same. He then moves to the same couch as me. He pulls me into his arms. "Thank you for telling me the truth about everything." I nuzzle into him. "I'm not mad or anything and I'm not sure how we're going to work out when your wanted and I'm a hero."

I look up at him. "We'll figure it out, I know we will." I give him a weak smile. He places his hand gently on my chin then pulls my face up to his and kisses me. I kiss him back then get on top of him. He puts his arms around me and pulls me close. He stands up, taking me with him and walks to my bedroom. He places me onto the bed and pulls away from our kiss. "Are your kids here?" He whispers in my ear.

"No. I don't get them until tomorrow." I whisper back.

"Good." He then begins to kiss my neck and all I can do is let out small moans. His hands hunt my body as if he wants to do something, but hesitates. He then grabs my shirt and pulls it off of me. He kisses down my chest and begins to kiss me tittys. He then stops for a brief moment and takes off his shirt then continues to kiss me.

Vigilante secrets (Shōta Aizawa x Fem vigilante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now