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I open my eyes to find myself still in my office from yesterday. I sit up and pop my back from the pain of sitting in a uncomfortable chair then stand up and walk out. I look out the windows below and see that it is midday. I walk over to Demetri who is telling a story to our kids. He notices me and smiles.

"Hello Mom!" says Jiro and Hajaro in unison

"Hey. You must have been so exhausted that you fell asleep in your office last night." says Demerti

I let out a yawn. "I was. Are you telling the kids more stories?"

"He's telling us about a woman who can shoot fire and electricity and she even saved a bunch of people at a place called the USJ!" say Hajaro in excitement. I look over at Demerti, concerned and he just smiles and shrugs at me. I roll my eyes and look back at Hajaro. "That sounds like a amazing story."

"Hey kids." say Demerti standing up from his cot. "How about you guys go play while i talk to mom ok?"

They both nod and look at each other then Jiro smiles and says "Tag . you it!" and runs off.

"Hey!" says Hajaro running after her. "Get back here!"

Demerti and I let out small chuckles. "I fixed up your bike for you. Its good as new. The newbie also told me what happened when he got back. Did you manage to get that Hero off your tail?"

I look at the ground and get flashes from the previous night. I then ignore them and look back at him. "Yeah. After a while, i managed to shake him off."

"That's good. We don't want any hero's finding out base." It silent for a bit then Demetri speaks again. "You should go home and get ready for work."

I feel my face go sad. "I think I'll stay here today. I'm not feeling too great after last night so I'll go call Hashai and tell him."

"Your not feeling ok? What's the matter?"

"I just feel...weak and....extremely exhausted is all. I'll go call him now." I turn and walk off. I didn't want to tell that I wanted to avoid the hero, Aizawa, from last night because he found out who I really am, kind of. I didn't explain to him because I had just ran away from him, which caused him to pass out. It was his own fault for not doing what I told him to do though. I get back to my office and sit down at the desk then pull my phone out of my pocket and call Hashai.


"Hey Hashai. I won't be in today. Some things happened that last with my gang and it really tuckered my out."

"Ok then. Hope you feel better, whatever is that happened." He hangs up and I put my head down on my desk. I sit back in my chair and more tears roll down my face. I soon cry myself to sleep.

~Aizawa POV~

I open my eyes to see the ceiling of my apartment. I sit up and notice that it is morning time due to the light outside. I look at the small clock on my wall and notice that I am late to work, yet again and really don't care for it. I stand up then feel the pain in my gut. I place my hand over it and realize that there are bandages then suddenly flashes of last night comes back to me and I slump onto my couch.

"She's a villain...?" I whisper. "Why didn't she tell me? And why is she on that side?" So many questions appear in my mind and I have no idea what to think. I look at the small clock again. "I need to get to work." I stand up, make my way out the door and to the school.



I wake up the next day in my office again. Today i will actually go to work at my job. I don't know what I am going to do now that Shōta is out of my life. I get up and exit my office. I manage to sneak out while there was no one else in the warehouse. I walk back to my apartment, get changed and grab my work clothes then head out the door. This time, instead of taking the short cut through UA, I take the long way so that I don't have to face Shōta. Once I get to work, I change in my uniform and get to work.

~Aizawa POV~

I wake up and notice that I am late for work, not that I care anyways. I put Y/Ns note in my pocket and head to UA and begin to teach my idiots of a class. Midorya was being his usual self and got sent to the nurse's office again, Kaksuki almost got into another fight and Kirishima had to stop him, Mineta tried to touch Ausis tit so Jiro and Momo tapped him to the wall, and Hizashi bursted into my classroom yelling something random again. Normal day I guess.

By the time it was lunch, I decided to go to that cat cafe where Y/N works and get some answers to my questions that were left unanswered before I passed out. I stop at the entrance for a bit before deciding to walk in.


This chapter is kind of rushed, but I wanted to update this book because it has been a long time. To those who are enjoying the book: Thank you so much for the support, I really appreciate it and you guys are just the best. Hope to update again as soon as I can. I am also working on other book if you guys want to go read those when they are published.

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