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Shōta pulls of my mask as more tears roll down my face. His face lights up with shock and he drops scarf from around me then backs up. I lay on the floor and continue to let out tears. I dare not to look at him for the fear of his face.

"Y....Y/N?!?" He backs up a few feet away from me. I manage to stand up, but I still avoid his gaze. "You...have been lying to me this whole time!?!" He yelled. "I can't believe that I fell for a villain!" I hold back flinching at his hurtful words, but also hold back the filled rage of what he called me.

I slowly lift my head, still having tears rolling down my face. I give him a very weak smile. "I'm...sorry..." I manage to say then I start sprinting away. I didn't want to face him after this...not when I know he's mad at me now and that he most likely hates me.

I run as fast as I can with tears building up in my eyes then I hear wonky footsteps behind me. "Y/N! Wait!" I stop and turn around to see Shōta trying to run after me. I continued running so that he wouldn't catch up. Like I said, I didn't want to face him after all that has happened tonight. Suddenly I heard a faint thud and turn around to see Shōta passed out on the ground

"Shōta!" I yelled as I ran to him and crouch next to him. "Shōta?" I look over to see that he has my mask clutched in his hand. Was...was he trying to give it back to me? I managed to sit him up and get my mask free from his grasp. I then stand up, put my mask on and use my wind element to pick him up. I carry him all the way back to his apartment.

I don't know how I managed to sneak him all the way back to his house without being seen by anyone, but I wasn't complaining. I didn't want to have explain what I was doing to the people passing by.

I arrive at his door then reach into all his pocket to see if I can find a key, but found nothing. I didn't want to force open the door so I wondered where I could search then I stumbled across his scarf. This man can hide anything in his scarf, I mean it's where he hides his goggles. I reach into his scarf and feel around until I come across things that are small and seem like they make a jingle noise when I move them. I pull out the object and find that is a pair of keys with a small black cat squishy attached to it.

I open the door and slowly place him down on the couch. I put his keys back into his scarf then bend over and give him a kiss on the forehead...which is probably the last one he'll ever get from me... then stand back up. I wish I could have explained everything to him, but he probably wouldn't have let me have a chance to. He wouldn't even let me get away because he was so he'll bent on trying to take me to jail.

I decided to pick up a notepad and a pen from off the table to leave him a note saying: "Dear Shōta, you passed out on the ground chasing me. I told you that you should have gotten some rest, but your stubborn ass didn't listen. I brought you home and I want to let you know that this is the last you will ever hear of me because you probably don't want to see me again after what happened. -Y/N" I put the note on the table then left for what will most likely be the last time...

Once I lock the door and close it, I walk all the way back to the warehouse, trying not to cry along the way. I just lost the one I love because of what and who I am...

I wipe the tears that managed to exit my eyes then open the warehouse door. I hide my feelings as the boy I broke out of jail earlier approaches me. I take off my mask.

"How did it go with that pro hero?"

"Um..." i manage to fix my face into a small smile. "He chased me for a while, but I managed to get away."

"That's good. Hope he didn't follow you though."

I place my hand on his shoulder while holding my smile. "I assure you that he didn't. I alway make sure." He nods and I take my hand off of his shoulder. "Now. Where is my bike?" His face lights up with fear and embarrassment. "What?" I look at him suspiciously. "Did you do something to my bike?"

"Um...I may or may not have accidentally scratched it..." My face turns into anger. "But don't worry! Demetri is working on it as we speak."

"He better fix it by tomorrow or else. Now I have had a long day and long night so I will be staying the night here. I'll be in my office if anyone needs me." And with that I head to my office.

Once there, I lock the door then sit down in my chair. I allow myself to let out all the tears that have built up since I entered the warehouse. Now that I have lost the one I love...what am I going to do? I cried for so long that I had managed to cry myself to sleep


I know that a few chapters back, I had said that I was going to try and continue this story, but school is really taking up a lot of my time and I can barley work on more chapters for you guys so there will be no more chapters for this book for a long while.

Vigilante secrets (Shōta Aizawa x Fem vigilante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now