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Once I opened the door, I saw Dimitri standing in front of me.

"Your thirty minutes late" I could feel the piercing of two pairs of eyes on me. Demetris...and Shōta

"Sorry...got caught up"

"Let me go get the kids ready"

"Before you do...Anna needs you at-" I panicked and moved my head. Demetri saw Shōta and stopped. "The...Oh! You have company over...sorry I didn't know!"

"Why don't you come in while I go get the kids ready?"


I moved out of his way and he walked right in while staring at Shōta the whole time. I sped walked to Hajiro and Jiro's room to avoid awkwardness.

~Aizawa POV~

I held my bandaged covered wounds while avoiding the gaze of this strange guy who was staring at me.

After a few seconds of him continuously staring at me, he finally spoke

"What happened to you?"

I didn't say anything for a few seconds and tried to ignore this weird man's question.

"How do you know Y/N?"

I continued to ignore his questions. No need to talk to a complete stranger about random questions or have useless conversation about random things or people.

Questions of my own, however, did pop into my head about this man. How does he know Y/N? And why is he here to pick up her kids. Maybe he was their father, but I don't want to jump to conclusions.

"How do YOU know Y/N?" I turned the question on him.

He was about to speak when Y/N walked back into the living room. She was behind her children.

"Are you guys ready to go?" Asked that strange man

"We're ready!" Said jiro, Y/Ns little girl

"Ok then. Let go" he stands up from out of the seat. "We don't want to be late for, ya know." He winks at him, which just fuels my suspensions. Y/N opens the door and they all walk out together.


I closed the door behind me so that Shōta wouldn't hear our conversation. Demetri gave me a hard gaze

"Since when do we be-friend the enemy? I know he's the one you saved at the USJ. Don't think I didn't recognize him!"


"I suggest that whatever you two are, you should end it. We both know that it won't end well if he finds out what you are and that you saved him that day. He will be mad at you for it"

I sighed. He was right. I had been holding myself back everytime I tried to cut ties with Shōta. "I know...I just haven't found the right time too"

"You better do it before he finds out himself"


We both look down and see Hajiro looking at us. "Mama loves that man and you shouldn't mettle with true love." We we're both shocked at what he said then Demetri looked back at me with a angry face

"Your in love with a hero?!? You need to end it as soon as me and the kids leave!" He turns to leave, but then says something. "Also...Anna wants to talk to you at the Warehouse" He then grabs the kids and storms off.

Hajiro looks back at me and mouths something "follow your heart mama"

As much as I want to follow my heart, my sister, Demetri, and Hisahi are right...I need to push back my feelings and cut my ties with him. This is going to be hard for me to do... I walked back inside and closed the door in front of me. I sighed heavily.

"Are you ok Kitty?"

I jolt around. "I-I'm fine!"

"Are you sure?"

"Y-yeah. I'm sure."

I sat down on the small couch. "So who was that?"

"O-oh! Are you talking about Demetri? Um...well...Hes my ex-husband..."

He gave me a shocked face. "I thought their father had died or something"

"Hm?" I looked at him puzzled. "What? No! He's alive. It's just...well it's a long story that I rather not talk about"

"Well then, I won't pry it out of you"

I smiled then got up and walked over to him. "Thank you." He smiled back then leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back. After a minute, I pushed him away. "Um..." I look at the ground. "Shōta?"

"Yes kitty?"

"I...um..." I thought to myself for a second. My brain and my heart are arguing with each other and I hate it! I...I can't do it...


Shōtas voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I look back up at him. "H-huh?!?"

"Are you alright? You looked like you wanted to tell me something, but then you spaced out"

"Oh...Um..." I chuckled nervously. "Sorry. Um...what I was going to say was that..." I went silent for a second. "One of my friends wants to talk to me so I have to go"

"Do you want me to go with you?"

"No!" I cleared my throat. "I-I mean...You need to rest after the many many injuries that you have"

"I think I'll be fine"

"Shōta, don't push yourself!"

"I must find the villain who hurt me."

I went silent for a bit. "I never asked, but what happened?"

He sighed. "I was on night patrol when I encountered a villain who had blades for hands. We fought for hours until he managed to damage me very badly. I managed to get away."

"Do you remember how you got here?"

"After I fled, I felt myself become barely concussion. I don't remember exactly how I got here."

"That sounds terrible. Hope that villain gets caught."

"I need to go back out to find her"

"No you don't." I walked over to him and lay him down. "You must rest!"

He groaned. "Alright. Fine"

Just then my phone made a beep noise. I looked at it and it was a message from Anna. "I have to go now." I kissed him then got off the couch. "I'll come back soon ok? For now just stay here." And with that, I left

Vigilante secrets (Shōta Aizawa x Fem vigilante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now