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He let go of my wrist "Sorry that was a instinct..."

"It's ok" I smiled then rubbed the ooze on his face. It immediately began to heal. "There. Its healed"


"My quirk is nature, remember? I healed you with a special leaf"

He looks at the ground to his left "Thanks"

I took out my phone and looked at the time. "My shift starts in 15 minutes!" I look at Shōta "I have to go. Bye"

He looks at me "Bye" he says as I put my phone back into my pocket and run off

I managed to make it with 5 minutes to spare. I quickly go and change for work. As I'm working in the back room I feel a pain in my chest. I fall and catch myself on the wall. My boss, Hisahi walks in and sees me

"I got a call before you showed up to work, ya know? It was Demetri. He told me what happened last night and I think you should go home and get some rest"

"No, no I'm fine"

"Your not fine. Your asthma is acting up. You should go get some rest"

"I said I'm fine!" I snap

Hisahi sits down in a chair "Sit" he gesture to a seat next to him and I slowly walk over and sit next to him "I have know you since we were six so I know how bad your asthma can get. You were once hospitalized because of it so please go home and get some rest. Don't do it for me or anyone else, just do it for yourself. Plus your going to need it for your other job. Ok? I'll get someone to cover your shift"

I sighed "Fine..." I got up then went to go changed and went home. I fell on my couch, but before I could fall asleep I got a cal and answered it

"Boss. Its Demetri. We just got word that The Leage of Villains is going to attack the USJ today"

"I'm on my way"

"What? No! You need to stay home and rest!"

"If people are in danger, I will ask ways be there. You know this!"

"I know Boss, but please stay home"

"I said no and that's final!"

He sighs "Yes m'am. I'll meet you at the warehouse. I went to pick up the kids for Lunch before we got interrupted so as soon as I dropped them back off I'll be there"

"Ok" I get up; grab my stuff and head back to the warehouse

"Boss? I thought you were at home resting?" Ask CJ walking to me

"You should know me by now" I chuckled a little "Nothing can stop me from saving people"

"Oh! So your going to the USJ with us? Don't you need to the rest?"

"Yes I'm coming. I don't need the rest. Now I have to go get changed. Have everyone ready in 15 minutes, now move out of my way"

"Yes Boss" He moved aside and I went to my room to change into my outfit

When I got changed, I put my mask around my neck and walked out of my room where I saw everyone finishing up getting ready. I walked over to Demetri who just put his shirt on

"You really shouldn't be going with us. We can do it without you, you know that right?"

"I know you can manage, but I already made up my mind Demetri"

"I know. I just don't want to see you get hurt again"

"I'll be fine ok?"

"I hope so Boss"

I let out a small chuckle. I then felt a tap on my shoulder and immediately turned around and saw Anna "Everyone's ready when you are Boss"

I look past her and see everyone with their outfits on "Ok then." I looked past her and yelled "Everyone go to your vehicles and I'll meet you there"

"Yes Boss" They all said and walked off to the garage. Anna was about to walk off when I grabbed her wrist

"Y-yes?" She said and I let her go

"When we get to the USJ, I need you to use your quirk to make us all disappear so we don't get spotted by the league ok?"

She nodded then walked to the garage. I turned around to see Demetri still standing by his cot "You really shouldn't be doing this"

"Shut up and go to your vehicle" He sighed then walked off. I walked into the play area where all the kids were playing. I sat down next to Jiro and Hajaro.

"Mama! What are you doing here?"

"The whole squad is going out for a while ok? Amsi is going to watch you"

"Where are you going mama?" Asked Jiro

"That is on a need-to-know basis. Nothing for you guys to worry about ok? Be good" I pointed at both of them "Both of you"

"Yes mama"

"Ok mama"

They nodded then I kissed them both on the head; got up and walked to the garage. I then remembered that I left my bike at the bank

"Looking for this Boss?" I looked over and saw my bike next to Demetri

"My bike!" I walked over to it "But how?"

"When you passed out last night, I took the liberty of retrieving it for you"

"Thank you Demetri" We both hop on our bikes then he opens the garage with the remote and we walk out on our bikes where everyone is waiting for us

"Alright listen up. We will be hiding out on the glass roof of the USJ. Anna's quirk is going to disguise us. Wait for my signal to move it ok?"

"Yes m'am!"

"Well then...What are we waiting for? Let's move!" Everyone starts their engines and takes off. I turn my head to Demetri, who sighs before turning on his engine and also taking off. I turn my engine on and take off after him

Vigilante secrets (Shōta Aizawa x Fem vigilante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now