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Once I got out the door, I began running towards the warehouse as fast as I can so that Shota won't follow me. Once I got there, I stopped to catch my breath then open the door and went inside. It was more bare in here than it normally is. Anna saw me and franticly ran to me with her phone in her hand.

"Your finally here! We have to hurry!"

"What?" I look at her confused then i saw her scared face and became worried. "Anna...What happened?!?!"

She became more frightened and hid her face from view then pulls her phone close to her chest. "Um...W-Well...We ran out of funds...and a rookie decide to go and get more money for us and um...I-Its best if I just show you..." She puts up her phone and plays a video. The video shows the rookie...getting arrested!! It then cuts to a him sitting in the police station being interrogated. This is not good! I look at her with a serious and angry face.

"We have to go get him!"

"We already tried! We assembled the whole gang and tried to get him, but our attempt failed and got almost all of us arrested along with him..."

"You tried a rescue attempt without me or my authorization?!?"

"Demetri is the one who authorized it..." I gasp.

"That explains why he seemed upset when he came to my house..." I facepalm. "Do i have to do everything myself around here?!? You stay here, ill go get them all."


"No buts! I'm going down there myself!" I storm off to my office room and get changed.

~Aizawa POV~

After Y/N left, I sat up. Even she cant make me listen to her so I stood up slowly and left her house. I made sure that she is not around then made my way to the end of the hall. My balance is offset, but ill be fine teaching Monday. My walking is slow, but I'll make it home...eventually...


I sit outside the police station in the dark, on my bike listening to a small radio that can listen into anything. A helmet sits behind me as I just sit there. I wait for the right opportunity for the cops to leave the interrogation room so I can get in. After about ten minutes of my guy not corporating with the police, one of them said something.

"I need a coffee. What about you Rin?" I hear a chair slide back.

"I could use one." Someone replied then another chair slides back.

"We will leave you to think about what we said kid." I hear a door close.

I get off my bike, take off the helmet then take my mask out of my pocket put it on and walk over to the wall behind the room and put my hand up. I shoot a fireball at the wall and it explodes and melts the wall. The boy turns to me and lets out a relieved sigh. I quickly grab him and run, just as I hear someone barge through the door.

Once we got back to my bike, I threw the extra helmet to him. "Put it on." I say as I take my mask off, put it in my pocket and put on the bike helmet. I hop on the bike then the guy follows, putting his hands around my sides so he doesn't fall off.

I start the engine and take off as fast as I can and just in time too as I heard police sirens. The police chase us for a few minutes before I said something to the boy. "Do you have a quirk?"

"Y-yes m'am." He responds as I dodge pedestrians in the way

"May I ask what it is?"

"I-I can make p-portals..."

"Perfect! Teleport us somewhere away from the feds." I turn into a dark empty ally and the boy sticks up his hand. A portal appears in front of us.

"Oi you there! Stop in the name of the law!" I hear footsteps and a voice behind us. I quickly put the bike into hyperdrive and speed into the portal.

We end up a five blocks from my house. I stop the bike and get off to catch my breath. "Are you alright kid? You didn't tell them anything now did you?"

"No m'am. I'm sorry for getting caught. Maybe if I didn't take such a difficult job then maybe we both wouldn't be in this situation."

I take off the helmet and once more pull out my mask in my pocket. "Everyone makes mistakes kid. I remember making a lot when I first started this gang." I said as I put the mask on.

"Started this gang?" He gasps then pulls himself off the bike. "Your Miss. L/N! One of the leaders!" He then bows to me.

"Stand up kid. We don't do that here." He bends back upright

"S-sorry miss."

~Aizawa POV~

It took me about a hour, but I managed to make it a four blocks away from Y/N house. As I'm going to the fifth block, I see two figures standing next to a bike. I ignore them and continue walking until I recognize one of them. That villain from that night and the USJ! I immediately stand upright and walk over to the both of them as fast as I can.

"Oi you!" I yell


I heard someone say something so me and the boy turn our heads. I immediately become filled with, anger, fear, and shock as I realize that it's Shōta! "Shit! It's Eraserhead! A Hero who has been after me for a while!." I notice that he is not walking fast so I turn to the boy. "Take my bike back to the base. I'll be there soon ok? I will hold him off so get doesn't find the warehouse." The boy nods then hops back onto the bike and rides away. I turn to Shōta, trying to hide my emotions from him as he puts his goggle on. He then runs at me and I also begin running away.


I'm here! Sorry that it has been months since I updated. I lost interest on this story and ran out of ideas. I have also been working on a different so that has also taken my time away from this book. I recently got some new ideas and will try to update more.

Vigilante secrets (Shōta Aizawa x Fem vigilante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now