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🍋!! (A little)

I was surprised at what he did, but I didn't care and leaned in. I felt his hand let go of my wrist and grabbed my side. My hand went to his chest and I grabbed his shirt. After a minute passed, our lips pulled apart and he smiled at me

"S-Shõta...I..." I leaned back in for another kiss and he grabbed my waist; pulling me closer to him. When our lips departed once again, he pulled me into a dark ally that was nearby.

He pinned me against the wall and my cheeks heated up. He continued to kiss me; pushing his body onto mine and I grabbed his shirt. His lips moved from mine and to my neck. I grabbed his shirt tighter while I tried not to make a sound. He continued to kiss my neck while his hand slid up from my waist to my chest and to the top of my white button up shirt. He unbuttoned it and I felt him move his hand inside my shirt. He grabbed my titty, which made me let out a small moan and I heard him chuckle a little.

He looked back up at me "Looks like my kitty likes that."

"K-Kitty?" My face heats up more

He takes his hand off my chest and leans to my ear "You heard me. My...Kitty." His words cause me to grab his shirt even more, but now I could feel my nails digging into my own skin. He leans back then bends down to my titty and kisses it. I bite my lip to prevent another moan. He continues to kiss my titty, but then my phone goes off.

I let go of Shõtas shirt and he backs up a little. I pull out my phone and see that my timer went off. I pull my thoughts together "I need to get back to work...sorry Shõ"

"That's ok. Want to continue after we both get off work?"

"Um...I'd have to check with my sister. She is always planning surprise hangout times for us. If she said didn't plan anything, I'll let you know"

He nodded then I buttoned my shirt back up and Shõta kissed me "Bye Kitty. I have to get back to work myself" He said then walked off

I stood there processing what just happened then remembered that I had to go to work. I ran all the way there with a few minute to spare

"You just made it." Hiashi says to me. "Are you alright Y/N? Your cheeks look red." He chuckled. "Did something happen between you and that guy?"

"Shut the fuck up Hiashi." I snarled then went to change back into my uniform. I could hear him chuckling as I walked off

I changed back into my uniform and continued waiting tables until it was time to finally get off work. I headed to the changing room, but was stopped by Hiashi

"Finally able to see your boyfriend again Y/N?"

"Shut up. He's not my boyfriend"

"0oh so you guys haven't made it for official yet? Well you should. Imma be honest, you guys would make a cute couple. He seems like a nice guy. I'm not trying to pry or anything, but I think you should go for it"

"You are secretly prying. I have know you for years Hiashi. I can tell when you lie, when your prying, and other things. You have always pried into my life"

"That's because I want to make sure your always ok"

"Well stop worrying about me. I can handle myself, ya know."

"I know you can. You do it all the time with your other job, but I just wanna make sure you are ok. That's what friends are for right?"

I chuckled a little. "Yeah I guess, but sometimes you do it a little too much"

"Sorry. Anyways, I'll let you go to your boyfriend"

"For the last time. Shut up! We are not a thing" I look to my side "I hope we are though..." I said to myself. I push past him and go to the changing rooms.

Once I changed, I walked out and went to the corner of U.A. I hid and waited for the students to clear out so I could see Shõta walk out. Once they did I saw that a few teachers followed. I watched and watched, but Shõta didn't come out. I was sad till I saw Toshinori walk out

"Toshinori!" I yelled as I walked from behind the corner

"Hm? Oh hello Y/N! What are you doing here?"

"I'm waiting for Shõta. Where is he?"

"His is busy grading papers. He might be a while. You should go home where you can't get into trouble again. Why are you even waiting on him?"

"I know your trying to get me to go home because of the USJ, but I'm not going to. And I'm waiting for Shõta because I need to talk to him about something"

"Oh I see" He leans down a little "Little advice: In your line of work, you shouldn't be falling for the hero. It could lead to bad things"

"I haven't fallen for him. I just want to talk to him about something"

"Whatever you say Y/N. Stay safe now. I gotta get home" He leans back up then walks away

I sigh "I hate to admit that he's right, but I love him...I better call Tasha and see if she has anything planned"  I take out my phone and look up Tasha in my phone

"Hey. What are you doing here?"

I gasp then look up from my phone, but don't see anyone

Vigilante secrets (Shōta Aizawa x Fem vigilante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now