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"Oh! Hello sir"

"Hey" he handed me a stack of cards "you dropped these when you bumped into me"

"Hm?" I looked at the cards. It was the business cards for our cafe "oh! Thank you. Now Boss won't be mad at me"

Stephany looked at the cards then took one out of my hands and looked at it "oh wow. When Hisahi said the business cards would be cool he wasn't lying"

I looked at the man "um thank you again Uh... name?"

"I'm Shouta Aizawa"

"Nice to meet you Shouta I'm Y/n L/n" I nodded my head when saying that

"Y/N!" I turned around and saw Hisahi "you got a call"

'Another job? I just finished one 3 days ago' "coming!" I turned back to Shouta "I gotta take that bye" I walked to Hisahi; grabbing the phone as I walked passed him

~Aizawa POV~

As I watched her walk off I noticed that she had a tail. I tried to not smile at how cute the Neko maid outfits are 'got the ears and tail. Kinda cute'

"So is that it sir or are you going to order something?"

"Hm? Um..." I pulled out my phone and checked the time "I have some time" I put my phone back in my pocket and looked up "I'll take a coffee no cream and no sugar"

"That will be $2.34. Shouta Aizawa right?"

"Yeah" I handed her the money then went to a empty seat at the mini bar they had and waited. I waited for my order to be called and looked around for y/n. I didn't see her so I wondered where she could be. I then heard my name being called

"Shouta Aizawa!"

I walked over and grabbed my coffee. I still had time so I walked out and sat at a table that was outside

~Y/n POV~

I put the phone to my ear "Hello?"

"Hey it's me. I had to pick up Hajaro and Jiro from school...again"

I sighed "what did they do this time?"

"Well Jiro got into a fight again and Hajaro talked back to his teacher"

"I'll be right there" I hung up the phone. Hajaro and Jiro are my kids. Jiro is 12 a and Hajaro is 7 and they are both like me: troublemakers. My ex, their father hates that they got my troublemaker genes.

I grabbed my stuff and went to the changing rooms. I put my white shirt and grey jeans back on then my white sock and dark green shoes. I grabbed my purse and headed out the door. I stood in the doorway and sighed

"Kids..." I sighed


The voice startled me as I looked to my right to see Shouta sitting at a table "oh! I thought you left"

"My next class doesn't start for another 24 minutes so I thought I would sit here"

"Next class?"

"I'm a teacher at UA"


"So what about kids?" I walked to the table

"My kids got in trouble at school again so I have to go to them"

"You have kids?"

"Yeah. They are chaotic"

Shouta snickered "As a teacher I can relate. I have 20 kids in my class and they all are chaotic"

"20 kids? Wow I only have 2"

"So do you mind if I walk with you?"

"Well no, but why would you? You barely know me"

~Aizawa POV~

"Curiosity you could call it"

'That and she reminds me of a old friend from highschool'

"Um...well" she looked at the ground for a little then looked back at me "sure I guess"

I got out of my seat; throwing my cup away in the trash can not that far from the table

We walked for 2 minutes and passed by UA "so you work at UA? What's it like?"

"Yeah. It's a nightmare. The kids are crazy and try to fight each other"

"That's how kids at UA have always been even when I went there"

"You went to UA?"


"And your not a pro hero? Why not?"

She sighed "well I was out with my class on a school trip. We had run into some villains. Two people were in danger and my teacher told me to go after the one who has a higher probability of survival. That was my teachers quirk she had a more developed brain so she could calculate things quicker than a normal brain could" she stopped to take a breath before speaking again

"So I didn't save the one I was supposed to I went with my gut and saved my friend because I felt my friends life was more important than the other person" she stopped talking and looked at the ground then I saw a tear shed from her eye "After that UA expelled me. They also made sure it was hard for me to get a job all because I was considered a 'vigilante' after the incident"

"So how did you get a job a Neko Cafe?"

"Well my friend has always wanted to open his own cafe. He was also obsessed with cats so he decided to combine that. I had asked him if I could get a job at his cafe when it opened and he had said yeah"

"Well tell him I said the outfits are cute. I really like the ears and tail" I let out a small chuckle she also giggles

"I guess they are, but the ears hurt because of the headband"

"I like them"

"Well this is my house" she points to a small home. The door opened and a lady standing in a maid outfit stood in the door

"Finally your here" then two kids came running out yelling 'Mom'

Vigilante secrets (Shōta Aizawa x Fem vigilante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now