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Once we drove to the salon. We walked in and were greeted by the beautiful lady at the counter

"Hello ladies! Welcome to nails and more. How may I help you today?"

"Hello. I would like a orange with a yellow stripe french tip" Tasha looked at me. "What do you want?"

"I don't really want anything, but I have no choice do I?"

She shot me a smile then looked back at the receptionist. "She would like (you describe this)"

"Ok. Follow me this way ladies"

I did not want to be here. I'm not the type who likes stuff like this. I would rather go home and do nothing or continue what I was doing with Shōta, though, we shouldn't even be a thing...

We sat down in chairs next to each other and waited for someone to come do ours nails. I took my phone out while I slouched in the chair and started scrolling through (app)

After a while had passed by, A lady came and sat in front of Tasha. She began to work on her nails while I still waited for someone to come and do mine.

More time had passed and a pretty woman with orange hair and brown eyes sat in front of me.

"So sorry that I took so long. My other client was a hassle."

I sat up and gave her a smile. "That's ok. I can tell you are very busy today from all the people in here" I placed my hands on the table.

She returned a smile back at me. "Yes, indeed. We are very busy today."

She immediately started working on my nails. I watched the TV that was behind her. On the TV, they were talking about the USJ.

"How are the repairs to the USJ going 13?" Asked the news reporter

"They are going great. We hope to finish soon and to the villains that attacked...You cost us a lot of money!"

Her voice was kinda scary when she had said that. I actually jumped a little at her tone. The lady doing my nails looked up at me

"Are you alright dear?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. 13's voice is scary when she speaks like that"

"I agree, but I have gotten use to Hero's yelling. We literally hear them everyday in the streets"

"Yeah that's true." She continues to work on my nails while I continue to watch the TV.

"So 13. We heard that you got injured during the commotion. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing just fine. My injuries are almost fully healed."

"That's good. Glad your almost better 13." 13 nodded her head and walked out of the camera view

Suddenly they show footage of me and my gang jumping into the USJ and helping the hero's and students.

"Who is this mysterious gang that helped the students and hero's? Are they also hero's or are they villains?" Asked the reporter

The words 'villain' and 'hero' made me shift in my seat. The nail lady looked at me then back at my nails.

I don't like being called a 'hero' nor a 'villain' and my gang can agree with me. I only believe in what's right and wrong. I couldn't care less what anyone thinks...well maybe just one person in particular...

Hours passed by and both me and Tasha's nails were finally done. My finger tips hurt, but that's the price of beauty, I guess.

She paid for the nails and we went on our marry way. On the way back, we didn't talk for a great majority of the time, but I had noticed that Tasha looked at me a few times like she wanted to ask me something



"Why do you keep staring at me? It's kinda creepy."

"Sorry. I was just thinking."

"Thinking? I'm curious. What are you thinking about?"

"Well many things."

"Anything specific?"

"Well yeah. I guess I'll just ask you now then" She stopped and turned to me. She shot me a smug look. I looked at her puzzled. "Why didn't you allow me to go into your closet earlier? Are you hiding something?" She paused for a moment while I tried to think of a lie. "Or perhaps...you were not hiding something, but someone"

"What? No I wasn't" I let out a small nervous chuckle. "Where did you get that idea?"

She chuckled a little. "Your acting like a teenager sis. Come on you can tell me who he, she or they are. I won't judge you" I sighed then continued walking. I heard Tasha running to catch up behind me. I didn't say anything and looked at the ground.

I thought for a few minutes. She's already onto me, I might as well tell her. I mean...she is my sister after all...But I'm not going to tell her who it is...she might yell at me because he is a hero

I let out a sigh then spoke finally. "Ok you got me..." I was still looking at the ground and I could feel Tasha's eyes on me. "I was hiding someone in the closet...I didn't want you to know for good reason"

"I knew it! So who is it? Who finally stole my sisters heart again?"

I stayed silent for a while. "I...can't say..."

"Why not?"

"Good reason..."

I looked up and noticed that we close to my house. I am glad that we made it back. I looked at Tasha. "Bye sis" I turned to the door

"Y/n?" I turn back to Tasha and she was looking at the ground


"If you really do have a good reason for not telling me who you were hiding in your closet..." she looks up at me. "then I won't bagger you about it ok?"

"Ok...and thank you"

She gave me a smile and I returned it then turned back to the door. I unlocked it with my keys and went inside. Once I got inside, I plopped onto my couch and immediately passed out from tiredness

Vigilante secrets (Shōta Aizawa x Fem vigilante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now