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I parked my bike about a block and as did the others. We walked to the side of the USJ then I made five vines grow from atop of the building "Everyone go to the top. I'll meet you there. I need to hold the vines." They all started climbing five at a time all the way to the top. As I watched the last five climb to the top, I heard the noise of a bus stopping. I gasped then quickly grabbed a vine and it hoisted me to the top as fast as it could. I was pulled so fast that I flew into the air, but I landed on the glass top as careful as I could. I looked at Anna and nodded. She activated her quirk then I bent down and watched the bunch of roudy teens talking

I saw a figure that seemed familiar, but the clouded glass blocked my vision from seeing it clearly. I then watched as a pro hero approached the class and started explaining something to then. I could barely see who it was, but I knew immediately once I saw the shape of the figure, it was the pro hero 13. She was probably explaining what the USJ is and what they were going to be doing. I watched as the students got ready for what was to come when I noticed something in my prefer vision.

I looked over and saw a purple portal forming. It stood there for a few seconds then out stepped some on villains. I looked at the two adults then one of them jumped into the air and started fighting them

"Boss. Do we jump in now?"

"What did I say?"

"Wait for your signal..."

"Exactly. Now wait patiently like everyone else"

"Yes m'am"

We waited for a while and watched the adult fight the villains. He was flying through the air and dodging them. I could tell that the villains had quirks, but for some odd reason, they seemed to not be using them against him.

I watched the hero fight villains for a while then I heard myself being called

"Boss. Boss!"

I turned my head "Y-Yeah?"

"Look at the students" He pointed to where the students are

"Huh?" I turned and looked at the students. I saw a weird purple semi-circle thing going on around the students. It then bursted apart and once the smoke cleared I saw that about half the students were gone "What?"

"What happened to them?"

"Where did the students go?"

I heard mumbling and whispering going on throughout the crew. I stood up and turned to the "Shut up! I'm trying to see what's happened." The mumbling and whispering reduced to silence and I crouch back down to see what was going on. I looked in all of the training sites to see if I saw anything.

I took a closer look at the water and I saw three people on a boat. Around the boat I could see villains swarming them. I could see
they were students due to the fact that they can't fight back because of the lack of a hero license, though, in this situation, I say they could to defend themselves.


"Yes Anna?"

"Shouldn't we head in? Things seem to be getting bad"

"Come sit next to me child"


"Sit!" I demanded and pointed to the spot next to me. She came and sat down "Do you see those students on that boat?" I pointed at them

She turned her head to them "Yeah. What about them?"

"Watch them with me. If they decide to fight even though they don't have a license and succeed then we will wait to go in, but if they fail then we'll go in and help ok?" She didn't say anything and just continued looking. The students cowered on the boat for a while until I saw a kid with green hair say something to the others. The next thing I knew, he jumped into the water and used his quirk. Another kid with green hair was jumping like a frog. She had a kid with purple hair in her hands. He was throwing something out of his hair. The students leaped to safety into the water. I looked at Anna "Guess we're waiting still"

She gasped "you spoke too soon m'am. Look!" She pointed at the man who started defeating villains first. He was pinned down to the ground by some weird beast with a brain sticking out. The villain with hands all over him noticed the kids in the water and walks to him. I can't hear what's going on, but I know that it's nothing good. He reached his hand out and one of the kids with green hair started to decay. I stood up, but stopped myself as I saw that they stopped decaying. Me and the villain looked over at the man pinned down. I think he was the one who stopped him somehow. The beast then pounded the man's head into the ground really hard that he almost passed out. I wasn't sure if he was almost dead or not.

I reached out my hand and created a fireball. I then aimed at the beast and shot it. It broke a big hole in the glass and hit the beast. It didn't knock him back or anything, but made him angry

"Everybody cover and go now!" I yelled then everyone put on their masks and started to jump down the hole that my fireball made. I watched the villain get hit by my men and women while they were falling, some using their quirks right away. I put on my mask and jumped down, activating fireballs in both my hands as I land on the ground. I stood up and look around. Once I got to the beast, I had looked at who he had pinned down and was shock at who I saw

"You!" He yelled at me

Vigilante secrets (Shōta Aizawa x Fem vigilante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now