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"H-Huh?" I looked around me and saw no one

"I'm down here m'am" I look down to see a animal thing

"Oh hello. Who are you?"

"Hello. My name is Nezu and I am the principal at U.A. Who are you?"

"I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too. Now why are you just standing outside the gates of U.A?"

"I was waiting on Shõta Aizawa, but I was told he got held up grading papers so I was just gonna head home"

"You know him? He has never mentioned you before"

"We met last month. I'm still getting to know him."

"Usually he doesn't like new people, but it seems like he took an interest in you"

"He doesn't like new people? That explains a lot actually. It took him a week to warm up to me"

"A week? It normally takes more then that. You must be special to him"

"Sp-Special? I doubt that" I chuckle nervously

"Are you sure? He doesn't warm up to people that fast"

"I-" My phone goes off

"I'll let you take that." He walks back into the school

I take out my phone and look who it is. It was Tasha so I answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey. Want to go get our nails done?"

I sigh. "Not really, but knowing you, your going to make me go aren't you?"

"You are correct. I'll pick you up at five" she then hung up

I sighed then put my phone back in my pocket. I then walked all the way back to my house. Once I got home I plopped onto my couch and turned on the TV. I started to doze off to sleep when my phone notifications went off. I took my phone out of my pocket and saw that it was a text from Shõta

'Just wondering if I can still see you tonight?'

'My sister is making me go get my nails done. Wish I can see you though'

'My too. Also Nezu told me you were at the school looking for me'

'Yeah. I wanted to at least see you before I called my sister, but I was told you got held up'

'Yeah sorry. I had some extra papers I needed to grade. Do you want me to come over before your sister makes you get your nails done?'

I looked at his text, unsure of what to say. Of course I wanted to see him, but I'm afraid that Tasha might catch us. She might be like everyone else...Saying that dating a hero is a bad idea and I should just stop, but my heart won't listen. I sigh deeply then reply

'Sure. I don't mind your company'

'I'm not that far from your house. I'll be there in ten'

I put my phone down and rushed to the bathroom. Why would I do that? I'm so stupid! I need to push him away due to him being a hero, but I don't want too. I...I want to love him.

I left the bathroom then went to the kitchen and pour me a shot of tequila, but before I could drink it, the doorbell rang. I went to answer it and there was Shõta standing at the door

"Hey Shõta!" I smiled.


"Come on in" I gestured inside and he walked in. He sat on the couch and I walked back to the kitchen. I put the tequila back into the fridge and when I turned around, Shõta was standing infront of me "O-Oh. Did you want some Tequila?"

"No" He grabs my waist "I kinda want something else"

I panic "O-Oh..." He leans down and kisses me. I lean in and we begin making out. His other hand found it's way to my other side then to my titty. I grab his shirt and pull him closer to me. His hands slide down to my sides and he picks me up and my legs wrap around his waist then places me onto the counter. His lips once again move from mine to my neck and this time, I let out a small moan and his hands move to my thighs. He picks me up again and carried me to my room. He placed me onto the bed then took his own shirt off. I ripped off my shirt and bra then we continued to kiss. He pulled away and smiled at me

"This is going to be fun kitty" His words made me blush and we continued to kiss. He then pushed my back onto the bed "My kitty cat." He whispered in my ear. He moved his head to my titty and his hand to my other one.

He continued to kiss and grab my titty when I heard a knock on the door. We both got up and I panicked "Shit! It's my sister. Hide!"

I pushed him into my closet, I threw his shirt at him "Leave when we're far enough, lock the door. I'll call you later." I gave him a kiss then closed the door. I quickly grabbed my bra and shirt and put them both on then went to the door and opened it

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah. Let's go"

"Are you sure you want to go out in that sis?"

"What? There's nothing wrong with it. Let's just go"

"Yeah no" She pushed past me and went to my room "Your not going to the nail salon looking like a hobo. You need to change"

"Ow that hurt" I then panic the follow her "No, No I don't. I think I'm good. Let's just go now!"

"Nonsense. Let me help you pick a better outfit"

"Please don't."

She walks over to my closet and I freak out more. I block her from entering, but she pushed my out the and opens the door

Vigilante secrets (Shōta Aizawa x Fem vigilante Reader)Where stories live. Discover now