Chapter 1: Life

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10 weeks ago,
I was walking through the halls of what has been our home for the last few months. The Playground. It's amazing how things have changed since I became a part of S.H.I.E.L.D. I got this job, this family, and I was better because of it. But then, life happened.

Yesterday, I witnessed my father murdering my mother and saving me from having my life drained from me. Hell, now my father doesn't remember that happened or that I'm his daughter so that doesn't count.

That was exhausting. For Everybody. Gonzales is dead, thanks to my mom (who is also dead). He was a good agent, wanted to take over S.H.I.E.L.D but he wasn't the enemy.  Coulson lost his hand, May forgave me after I quaked her and a lot more than that happened. All the events drained out everybody's energy. Emotionally and Physically. Right now, the halls are empty and quiet, the only source of sound is the sparring room, which is where I am headed right now.

I enter the sparring room, where I find my S.O punching the life out of the bag.

"Whoa, May. You okay?" I ask while getting rid of sweatshirt, revealing a black tank top.

"Fine" May replied in her usual tone. I knew she was far from 'fine'.

"You see Coulson yet?" I asked because the silence was getting awkward.

May stopped punching the bag for a second before continuing. "No." That's it.  That's how she replies.

"You mind if I stay here or do you want me to come back some other time?" I walked to her.

She stopped and looked towards me. " If you want to stay, stay. If you don't, don't."

I nodded and moved towards the punching bag.

We silently worked out for hours. Hours. We hadn't heard the footsteps that entered the room.

"You guys planning on eating?" The person asked.

I jumped at the sound. Coulson. May didn't even flinch. She must have know he was here.

"You scared the crap out of me." I said as I moved towards the cubbies to grab water.

"I know. That's why I do it every time." I turned to face him grinning.

"And to answer your question, yes." After seeing his confused face, I made myself a bit more clear, " I was going to come to eat soon."

"Ah. Gotcha." He then turned towards May. "What about you, Mel? I can make your favourite."

She turned to answer him but was blocked by an alarm ringing.

"What was that?" I looked around to see confused expressions on their face.

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