Chapter 5: Caught or not

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A week later

May's POV

I woke up at around 5 am and was surrounded by something soft and sturdy. Arms. Wait. ARMS?! I sat up and looked around the room. I took deep breaths as the events of last night came back to my head. Phil. It's Phil's room. Phil's arms.

I quickly took a shower and brushed my teeth. When I came out of the bathroom, I saw a sleepy Phil Coulson sitting up in the bed.

"Morning, Sleepy Head." I grinned.

He yawned and stood up. He moved towards me and placed his arms around me. He put his finger under my chin to lift my head up and gently placed a soft kiss on my lips. I kissed him back and moved towards the dresser where I kept my clothes last night.

"See you at breakfast, Director. " I gently kissed him and snuck out the door, making sure nobody saw me. I failed. And it HAD to be her.

'OH MY GOD, OH MY FUCKING GOD. ARE YOU AND COULSON? - YOU KNOW WHAT, DONT TELL ME. I DON'T WANNA KNOW. EWW. I HOPE YOU'RE NOT DOING IT. YOU GUYS ARE LIKE THE MOM AND DAD OF THE TEAM." I rolled my eyes and thought of a way to make Daisy get rid of her  'theory' about us.

"Relax, I was there to drop of a report." I looked at Skye and the 'really?' look on her face, " About the Monolith. You wanna do Tai Chi today or are you more interested about the status of my relationship with Coulson?" I joked.

Skye groaned. "Not today. I'm starving, what's for breakfast?"

"Nothing Melinda will make." A new voice said. Phil. I rolled my eyes. The whole base probably knows about my relationship with the kitchen ended BAD last time I tried.

"I can cook, I just don't want to." I tried to defend myself even though it has always been fun when Phil teases me.

"Yeah, right." They both said in unison. And there was another voice. Andrew.

I sighed. "Andrew? What are you doing here?" I looked at him.

He shrugged. "What? I'm not welcome at the base, now? I was just here to check on my three favourite agents at the base.

I scoffed. 'Yeah, right.'

"Well, Dad here," Skye teased him,
"can't cook with one hand. Somebody needs to help him."

"I'll do it." Maria acknowledged as she entered the kitchen/lounge and made her way to the coffee machine, "Coffee?" She offered.

"Yes, please." Everyone except me replied.

Everybody sat on the bar stools at the kitchen counter.

Just then, FitzSimmons entered the kitchen, still dressed in PJ'S. Skye burst out laughing.

"The doctor and the engineer looking like 5 year olds on Christmas morning."

I smiled softly. Family. This is it.

"Good Morning to you too, Daisy." Fitz sarcastically replied with a Scottish accent.

"Okay, who wants pancakes?"

Me. Me. Me. Me. Phil. I'd kill for your blueberry pancakes.

Alot of 'Me's' filled the room.

"Okay. How about blueberry pancakes so Mel here doesn't kill anybody. " He lightly teased. I rolled my eyes.

I could feel eyes watching me and coulson like a hawk. One of them were our best friend, Maria Hill. She's been staying with us since 'that day'.

"God, cut the 'lovey eyes' for breakfast. Keep it PG. There are three kids watching." She simply said as she placed 4 coffee mugs on the counter.

"How'd you know? And also did you just call us kids?"

"I've known them as long as they've known each other, kid. And yes you are a kid."

"Wow. I just realized how similar you and May are." Me and Maria rolled our eyes in unison, " you're just proving me right."

"Anyway are there any more kids on the way with you two? Or do I have to wait more time to be a Godmother again. God, it took you guys 8 years last time."

Me and Phil spit our coffee and tea our at the same time.

Everybody else looked at me and Phil like we have two heads. Which we do but you know what I mean.


I shared a look with Phil and knew we had to tell them.

"Who wants to listen to a story?"

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