Chapter 10: Deep Breaths

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It's just gonna be May's POV until I say it's not so.. enjoy.

Deep Breaths, Melinda. Deep Breaths. It's just telling the team. Nothing more that. Just telling the team that we're getting married. Telling our pseudo kids that we're getting married.

I took a deep breath and stepped into the lounge where the team had gathered and slightly smiled at the sight. FitzSimmons and Hunter were sitting at the bar arguing over Monkeys. That was probably Fitz's idea. Daisy and Mack were playing Mario Kart on the TV, Bobbi and Phil were sitting on the couch reading.

"Hey" I acknowledged myself entering the room since nobody seemed to notice.

"MAY!" Phil got up and came up to me, "You ready?" He softly said as he placed his prosthetic arm around my waist.

"Nope." I looked at the team and whistled, "We're getting married and you're all invited."

They stood there with mouth and eyes wide open.

I slightly smirked and walked out of the room.

About 3 seconds are I started walking,
Jemma came up behind me and almost tacklen me to the ground.


I simply smiled and nodded.

Daisy came next with Fitz as he stood back when Daisy gave me a hug.

Once all the Bus Team, Mack, Hunter and Bobbi were done congratulating me, Maria came.

"Congrats." She stood arms length away from me.

"Come here." I hugged her.

"So when is the wedding?"

"Ah, no big wedding. We're just gonna get married and go out for drink later."

They all nodded.

"I'm hungry. Phil, can you make lunch?"

"Sure. What do you want?"

I hummed, "Anything."

I answered the team's questions while Phil cooked. When he finished, he called us to the dining table.

We ate in silence until Simmons spoke up, "May, I was thinking, did you recently search for your daughter?"

I looked up, "No, we looked everywhere and didn't find her."

She took a bite of her food from her plate, waited for herself to finish chewing and replied, " There's this new program. It takes the DNA from Mom and Dad and creates the DNA for their child. That DNA can be used to locate the child, name her and find her."

I looked at Phil and sighed, "No, Simmons. We won't get her back."
Simmons gave me a questioning look, "What if she has a family that loves her, What if she doesn't want to find us?"


"Simmons, not now." Phil interrupted her.

"Coulson, May, you don't know that. What if she is out there waiting to be found? What if she's like me?"

"Daisy, not now."

"Daisy." She looked at me, "Maybe after the wedding."


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