Chapter 24: Old flames

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Still Phil's POV

OH SHIT. I realized that I was officially stuck. Trying to hide myself so that she would recognize me, would be even more suspicious. So, I just turned around, put my phone to my ear and started speaking to nobody with a squeaky voice, so she wouldn't know.

I 'talked' on the phone for about 3 minutes. Interrupted by a hand on my shoulder, I turned around, thinking it was Mel. Instantly regretting it.


I looked around, internally sighing.

"Hey, Audrey."

"Oh my God." She put her arms around me and kissed me. I pushed her away.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I,-" I followed her eyesight, which landed on my ring.

"Oh." She slightly frowned, "You're married?"

I sighed, "Yes. I am. A few months now."

"Oh." She softly smiled, "Who is she?"

I bit my lip, "Melinda." Audrey had met her more than once. Their relationship was like Phil and Andrew's. Short. They hated each other but never showed it. Audrey had asked him if there was something going on between them, a few times.

"I knew you loved her."


"Phil!" Melinda called out as she walked towards us, with a coffee in her hand.

She looked up when she reached us, "Audrey."

Audrey smiled back, "Agent May, good to see you."

Melinda handed me my coffee, shooting a look that said 'What the hell is going on?' And walked back to the counter to get her tea and two muffins.

"How far long is she?" Audrey pulled me back.

"How, how did you know?"

"I can tell."

I nodded, "about 6 weeks."

"First pregnancy is always hard."

"It's not first, it's,-" I sighed, "third."

"Did she have two miscarriages?"

"One." I smiled, "We have a 27 year old daughter at home."

"Oh, well. OK. I gotta go. My flight is booked for 2 and I don't wanna be late."

"Of course."

I stood there, just thinking after she left. Not knowing my surroundings, I flinched when Mel said, "She gone?"

I nodded, "Yep. Left when I told her we have a 27 year old daughter."

She snorted, "Of course, she did."

"Let's eat. I'm starving. And also eating for two."

"Yes, you are."

We ate in silence until Melinda broke the silence, "I was thinking, we should take a break."

I raised an eyebrow, "From S.H.I.E.L.D. Not that long. Just a week." She sighed, "Andrew emailed me those two tickets to Mauii a few weeks ago, as the wedding present from him."

"It's not a bad idea."

"No, it isn't."

"I agree. We should take the break. I can ask Daisy to take over for a week and if she doesn't want to, Bobbi will do it."

"We can ask Daisy if she wants to come along too. But I was hoping it would just be us."


She sighed, "Don't get me wrong. It's nice to have Layla back. But it isn't any different than before. We still call her Daisy. Which makes sense. But come on, you have to agree that we haven't had a good vacation since forever."

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