Chapter 9: Family

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May's POV

I lay in bed, looking at the simple diamond ring on my left hand. It's a simple ring with a big enough emerald in the middle. I smiled. Melinda May Coulson. May. May! My parents. God, we have to tell them. I sighed. "Phil?"

He lazily hummed.

"We have to tell my parents, you know."

That woke him up because he sat up.

"You can tell them."

I scoffed. "You're the one who proposed, you're my fiancé."

"Fine. Let's call them."


"Yes. They're on Vacation, right?"

I hummed.


I moved towards the dresser to get my laptop and set it on the bed. I settled in beside Phil and looked at him.

"Ready?" I held out my hand.

"Nope. But I'll get it done."

I clicked the FaceTime icon beside my mom's picture.

Calling. Calling. Ringing. Ringing!

I took a deep breath. They answered.

"Hello, Qiaolian. Why did you call me this late in your time?"

"Phil is here too, Mama." I elbowed Phil, "Say 'hi' Phil."

"Hi Mr. May. Mrs. May."

"Hello Phillip. How are you?"

"I'm good, William. How are things going on with you?"


Mom cleared her throat, "You didn't answer my question. "

I looked at Phi and nodded.

"We're getting married, Mama."

She looked at Phil and then at me.

"To each other?"

I rolled my eyes, "No, I'm getting married to Fury and he is getting married with Maria."

"Nick is too old for you."

Surprisingly, Phil rolled his eyes with me.

"We're getting married to each other. We wanted to tell you guys, because well you know why."

"What about Layla?"


"I'm happy for you both. I knew you both were meant to be when you brought him home for Thanksgiving."

Her words surprised me and Phil. 

"You are?" That was Phil, Me and my Dad.

"Of course, I am. You love each other. I might even get another granddaughter now."

"Mama, I'm,-"

"Shut up, Mellie." She looked at Phil, "Keep her happy."

"I will." He smiled.

"Well goodbye now. You've got a wedding to plan. Send me the details later."

We exchanged goodbyes and ended the call.

I sighed. "That was, well,-"

"Unexpected." Phil finished for me.

"Phil. Do you miss Layla?"

He looked at me with eyes full of concern and understanding. "Of course,  I do."

I smiled and let my head fall onto his shoulder, "Me too." I whispered.

And then, we fell asleep.

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