Chapter 2: Intruders

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The alarm blared as the 3 of us headed to Coulsons' office. We were interrupted by Jemma who looked more relaxed than us. Well except for May.

"It's Ex-Commander Hill." She simply told us.

That made it all better didn't it? I tried to calm down but I couldn't. What the hell? Why was Hill here? I had this feeling in the back of my mind that it's about the whole thing that happened with my parents. My train of thoughts was interrupted by a hand on my shoulder. That scared the crap out of me. Again.

"Geez, what is it with you and Coulson scaring me like that?" I exclaimed.

May rolled her eyes as expected and then nodded towards Coulson.

"Follow me." Too busy to pay attention to all the agents hurrying around to make sure the base fits Hill's expectations, I followed him.

"So, DC," I started as we walked down the hall, "why is Hill here?"

"All I know is that she wanted to visit and take a look at the new recruits." He faced me for a second, " Why she decided to intrude instead of using her lanyard, I don't know."

"Awesome. The ex- S.H.I.E.L.D commander decides to 'visit' a day after the whole thing with my parents and I don't know why but I feel like this is about me." I looked at my feet knowing that Coulson is looking at me, "Where's May?" I try to change the topic.

"May is overseeing protocols that were set off due to the alarm." Coulson stopped and faced me, "And Hill isn't here to kick you out of S.H.I.E.L.D, don't worry. She likes you. She helped us get you back after the whole Ward incident."

That. That surprised me. Hill likes ME. She looked for me. Hill. Commander Hill.

"No need to stress. Gotcha." I sighed, "I feel like I messed up. Bad. I keep thinking 'What if I didn't go in that temple? What if I didn't get powers or meet my parents?".

Coulson gently placed his hand on my shoulder. "Daisy, the question 'What if' can open doors you shouldn't go in. You can't change the past by thinking about things you could've done instead. That's not life. Don't let yourself go there. It's a dark place."

I nodded. That's all I could do. This guy was standing infront of me and it felt like he knows me better than anyone.

"Now, let's go meet Maria." I sighed. So much for stalling.

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