Chapter 15: If I say 'yes'

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I grew up as the silent kid. The kid who everyone thinks is lonely. Who needs friends. I didn't believe that. Hell, I didn't even believe in Best friends till I met Phil. Then all this happened, I got married. Again. We told the team about Layla and.. Daisy and Phil believed that Daisy was our lost daughter.  I knew deep down in my heart that I believed in in too. But saying yes would open doors that needed to be closed. They needed to be closed so the world doesn't see how vulnerable Melinda May actually is. So they don't find out that Melinda May is still holding on to parts of revealed secrets. Secrets that Phil doesn't even know. The world needs to believe that Melinda May, I, am a cold hearted person. Because if they find out who I truly am, they won't need me in this team. They won't want me to suffer from being the kill bot. Only if I could go back in time and offer myself to the kidnappers instead of Layla. I regret. Melinda May regrets her decision. They don't need to know that. They can keep thinking I'm a cold hearted kill bot. But that's what I'm afraid of, isn't it? Afraid of them breaking down the wall any more than they already have. This team became a family. This family took its place in my heart. Deep Breaths. Deep Breaths as I drift back into sleep, away from the thoughts that woke me up.

That was just a piece of May's mind. Hope you enjoyed it. If you didn't.. oh well, I'll update soon. I feel like May is so underrated and she needs more screen time. It's called May-ism and I am May-ist.. get it?

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