Chapter 3: Secrets

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Skye's POV

I took a deep breath and entered the lab with Coulson, I looked around for anything that I could use to excuse myself.  Don't stress. It's fine. She likes me. I kept reminding myself.

I stopped walking and stood beside Simmons as Coulson went to meet Hill.

Coulson's POV

God, why is Hill here? I get that Skye's nervous and I can tell she's not the only one. I took a deep breath and went through the lab to reach the lounge. There she is.

"Hello, Maria." I sat down, " What brings you here? Because I remember giving you a lanyard that gives you access to the base but you didn't use it."

Maria sighed. "Look, I think you know why I'm here. And the lanyard blew up."

"Do I though? Know why you're here." I looked at her. " Because I got agents stressing just because you decide to visit without using your lanyard. Also how in the hell did it blow up?"

"Skye" She simply said and that was enough.

"What about her? Also it's Daisy now." I stood up, "She thinks it's about her. I told her not to worry. Now you're telling me that she should worry? I -"

" I don't think she should be on the index." Maria stood up and headed to the kitchen on the other side of the room. " Want some?" She held up a coffee mug.

I sighed. "No, thanks." I headed towards the hallway, "I got work to do."

"Don't worry, Phill. It's gonna be okay."

"I hope so."

Skye's POV

I saw Coulson exit the lounge/kitchen area so I followed him.

"So...? What's the thing?"

He looked at me like I have 2 heads, "What thing?"

I sighed, "Why is Hill here?"

"I don't know." He sighed, "You don't have to worry."

"Trust me, I don't want to. But.. just sort this out, director. Please." I nodded and headed for the bunks.

I spent a few minutes in my bunk trying to decide what to do next. I could go to the gym and hit something or sleep. I decided to do the latter and changed into more comfortable clothes.

I don't know how long it took but I fell asleep.

Nobody's POV

Coulson headed for his office, hoping it would be when May would be right now. He needed to talk to possibly the only person who won't turn his words into a dagger meant for everyone around him.

He was headed for the door when he heard footsteps coming in his direction. Or more precisely his office's direction.

He saw a black man wearing a suit standing on the corner 'Andrew'  Coulson thought.

"Hey, Phil. Where's Melinda?" Andrew looked around him, "Haven't seen her all day."

'I was really hoping to talk to her in private' He gave one of his signature smiles, "I don't know."

As if she was just standing by the door, eavesdropping on their conversation, she opened the door and faced the men. She sighed and stood beside Coulson to face Andrew.

"Melinda, I've been looking for you like an idiot." He continued, "I've been wondering,-"

"Andrew. Just stop. I don't want to do this. Not here. Not now. I told you my answer already. It's no. I have too much here. I'm not going to Hawaii with you." She interrupted him before he left spilt their dirty laundry infront of her best friend.

Coulson looked between the ex-couple and realized the look on May's face was anger, not her usual stoic face.

"It was Maui and I was offering you two tickets because I now have nobody to go there with. Thanks to you." Andrew muttered the last part.

"Thanks to me, huh? I'm not the one who took it to far by inviting the other one to Maui." May sighed sharply and continued, "Hell, I'm not even the one who asked the other person out. I'm nothing in this relationship.  Oh. I'm sorry. I WAS nothing."

May turned around and started to walk away, "Are you coming, Phil?"

Phil threw an apologetic look in Andrew's way. He nodded and ran ahead to catch up with Melinda.

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