Chapter 17: Take care

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I sat up on the bed, waking up in the unknown room. I looked around my surroundings, they were mostly white. With health posters put up. Like any other hospital. But where was I? I looked up and my questions were answered. The big eagle on the roof explained it. We were at the Safety and Health Improvement. AKA S.H.I.E.L.D's other base where no agent lived.

Wait how did I get here? The events flooded in my head as the door flung open. "Mrs. Coulson, how are you feeling now?"

"May."I corrected him, "where is Phil?

He nodded, "I'll be right back." With that, he left the room.

He re-entered the room, now with a worried Phil.

"Lin!" He wrapped his arms around me. I accidentally winced. He hastily let go of me, "You okay?"

"I don't even know why I'm here."

"You fainted."

"Yeah, thanks, Mr. Obvious."

"Let the doctor talk, Mel."

I rolled my eyes and nodded towards the doctor to let him begin.

"You fainted due to dehydration and stress." He looked at Phil and continued when Phil nodded, "And another thing."

I looked at them. What was that they knew but she didn't?


"You're pregnant."

I took a couple of deep breaths, "Can you give us a few minutes?"

"Of course."


"I need a second."


"Do you want this baby?" I looked away from him so he won't see the tears threatening to fall.

"I want what you want, if that,-"

"Don't." I looked at him, not caring about the tears falling down my face, "What do YOU want?"

"Yes, I want this baby with you."



"I need to tell you something."

"I'm listening."

"I had a miscarriage." His eyes widened, "with Andrew. A few days after Bahrain."

"Oh my God, Mel!" He held my hand, "I didn't know. If I had, I would have,-"

"Phil, stop." I took deep breaths, "You didn't know because I didn't tell you. You don't get to be mad at yourself. It's not your fault. I want this baby as much as you do buy I'm not sure if I can carry it to term."

"OK. We'll do what you want. I can't imagine how hard it will be for you to have another miscarriage or to loose another child. It's your decision and I will respect your choice."

I sighed, "Let's get out of here. I hate hospitals."

Phil smirked, "Technically, it's not a hospital but a Secret Agency Base."

"Oh shut up, dork."

"You love this dork."

I rolled my eyes.

"Little Bit?"

"Little bit."

We left the hospital after an hour or so. We checked on the baby before we did so. 4 weeks. And healthy.

We were sitting in Lola. Flying. Phil decided to start a conversation.

"We have to tell Daisy."

"We do."

"She's having a little brother or sister."

"She is."

"You okay?"


"We'll reach home in 5 minutes."


"Mel, you're doing that thing when you don't share. Now is a good time to share."

"Focus on the sky. You don't want to hit a flock of birds."

He sighed. 'This is harder than I thought, I wish she would just share.'

The rest of the drive, or flight, was spent in silence. I could fell Phil's eyes occasionally focused on me.

I sighed, "I can feel you worrying from here."

"I can't help it. You're not sharing." He put the car on autopilot and looked at me, "Mel, please. Talk to me."

"I don't know how to tell Daisy. I want to wait until we're sure I don't have a miscarriage,  so it doesn't break her heart."

"OK. But won't it hurt her even more to know that she was going to be a big sister, and we didn't tell her till after we lost the baby?"

I looked at him, "Can we not go back to the base right now?"

"Sure. We can go to a Cafe or your old apartment." He looked away, "You still have that, right?"

"Yeah. Haven't been there since a ling time though."

"You want to go there?"

"Sure. Anyplace except S.H.I.E.L.D."

"We'll get there is 10 minutes. Hold on."

I nodded.

We reached the apartment and Phil entered the pin to the digital lock on the door. He remembered the code. After all those years. After every time I blocked him out. Even after Bahrain..

Beep. I was pulled out of my thoughts.
I smiled and pased through the doorway.

I looked around and memories of me and Phil came running at me. The time we stayed here for 5 days after Midterms. Only leaving the bedroom to eat or use the washroom. The time I was pregnant with Layla and Phil following me everywhere I go. When I needed a break and Phil got me food and took care of me. Again and Again. Phil moving in after Layla was born. Layla being gone. Both of us being heart broken. Phil moving out. Me marrying and moving in with Andrew. I had come here two or three times throughout the years. Each time, only to tidy it up or look through old pictures.

I looked at Phil and noticed that he was also brought back to old times. Before there wasn't a world to save. No having to worry about hydra. I sat down by the fireplace where my old couch was. I patted the space beside me and Phil followed. I took the album out from under the couch and held it between me and Phil. We looked through the memories, only stopping when we reached the date 'July 1'. The day we took Layla's last picture. I let my head fall onto Phil's shoulder.

"We found her." It was barely a whisper but Phil heard it.

"We did."

I turned my face so I could face him. I reached out and I gently kissed him when  we met in the middle.

"Love you."


"You love this dork."

I hummed.

"We should get back. Daisy probably misses us."

"Yeah. Okay."

Long Chapter. I know. I feel like I'm adding everything I can think of to this book. Daisy gets a little sibling. And no I'm not gonna write the labor and delivery part. I'm just not gonna do it. So you know, hope you liked this and I'll try to write again soon..


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