Chapter 25: Goodbye

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Melinda May's POV

I was just putting my dark blue tank top into our bag when the bell rang.

"I'll get it!" Phil called out. I walked out of the room and into the living area.

"Daisy!" Phil hugged her and let go so she could hug me.

"Hey, guys!"

I smiled and nodded.

"So when are you guys leaving?"

"In a few hours. We were just packing our stuff."

"Wait, so where our you guys going anyway?"

"Maui. Andrew got two tickets almost a year ago for him and me but I didn't want to go. So, he emailed me the tickets as our wedding gift from him."

"Well, that's nice."

"Guys, I have a question."


"When's my birthday?"

"Uhm, March fourteenth."

"That's not that far away from July 2nd."

I frowned, realizing that, July 2nd was the day after Layla was taken. I felt myself drown into the darkness of my nightmares. Wanting to reach out and not panic, but failing. I felt a hand on my shoulder, probably Phil but I was too lost to notice. I could hear mumbling sounds but couldn't make out the words. July 2nd. July 2nd. No, Melinda. Breathe. Calm down.

I gasped as I finally got a hold of myself. Breathing heavily, "How Long?" I asked.

"Almost an hour."

"Shit. Dammit." I looked up at Phil, "Sorry."

"It's fine. Daisy left a while ago. Said it would be better if she wasn't here when you came back."

I sighed, "I need help, don't I?"

"I'm not answering that, Mel. That's for you to decide." Phil pulled me into a hug.

I bit my lip as I forced down tears. Stupid hormones.

"You can let go, y'know."

"I know." I pulled back and looked into his eyes. "But we're running late already."

"Daisy packed your bag for you."

I smiled, "Well, I'll just check to make sure she actually packed 'clothes'. Call her. Ask her to come over if she wants."

"I texted her a few minutes ago, she said she'll be over with lunch."

I hummed. I sighed, "Phil?"


"I need new pills for my panic attacks."

"Ok. Do you want to go right now? Or.."

"I can wait. But I can't use my old pills with the baby, and I'm having too many attacks without them."

"How about... I'll call Dr. Banks and have Daisy pick them up."


In a while, Daisy arrived with a bottle of pills and a takeout bag.

"Order for a special Melinda May and Phil Coulson? A box of pills and the best takeout food in New York?"

I rolled my eyes, "Swapped up is the best. Can't prove me wrong."

Phil chuckled, "Can't argue with that."

Daisy handed me the box of pills and I nodded, "You guys go ahead, I'll just be back after taking the pills."

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