Chapter 7: Aftershocks

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Still May's POV

"We should make sure everyone is doing okay. Let's get up." I got up and headed for the bathroom to wash my face and try not to look like I just woke up or I had been crying.

I heard sheets rustling and a soft thump. Phil.

I quickly used the towel to dry of my face and went to my closet to grab a change of clothes. I took a black full sleeves t-shirt and black jeans with low brown boots.

Phil entered the closet and headed for where he kept his clothes. He grabbed a dress shirt and pants.

"Need a hand?" I smirked.

"Haha. Funny." He looked at me, "But, yes. Please. I need help."

I smirked as I moved towards him and took his clothes from him. I silently worked on his clothes as he looked at me.

"You okay?" He asked.

I locked my eyes with his for a split second and then moved back to the shirts buttons.

"I'm fine, Phil." I gently kissed him and looked at him, "Don't worry." I gave him a soft smile and moved out of the closet.

"Now, come on. Let's deal with the aftershocks of our announcement." I called out.

"Copy." He smirked and he headed for the door, "Boss."

I rolled my eyes.

We found FitzSimmons in the lab with a ling forgotten meal on the table they had been working on.

"You guys are wasting food, you know."

"Director! May!" Simmons elbowed Fitz so he stops working on their little experiments, "How are you guys?"

"Same as we've been in the last 26 years and 2 months."


"You guys see Daisy anywhere?"

They both shook their head.

I nodded at them and headed out of the lab to find the other people we told. Daisy, Daisy and Daisy.

Daisy. The girl who tore through my walls and broke them down without even me knowing. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she's my daughter. But no. Cal and Jiaying are her parents. I silently sighed. Layla Chuju Coulson. I miss her more than I let everyone see. Even Coulson.

"MAY!" I looked up as I felt arms around me. It took me a while to understand what's happening and I returned the hug. What I hadn't noticed was that I was on the floor. With Daisy. She hugged me. I looked up at Phil, he shrugged his shoulders and nodded towards Daisy.

"You okay?" I looked down at Daisy as I started to get up. I held out a hand for her and she gladly took it.

"Yeah. I'm good. What about you guys?"

I nodded at the same time as Phil.

"Well how about we go to the surface and get dinner?"

"Sure. Sounds good."

I raised an eyebrow as Phil and Daisy shared an amused look.

"I'll be ready in 10 minutes."

I headed for my dorm and looked for a dress to wear. A dress! For Phil.

I looked through my closet until I found it. The dress I saved for an occasion like this. Phil, get ready to be amazed.


Author's Note
Here's the update.. it's 4 days late but.. school has been crazy and it sure kept me busy all day.

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