Chapter 28: Goodbye Mom and Dad

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"What do you mean she ran away?"

"She escaped,- She,- Lincoln."

"Did he run away with her too?"


"Answer the fucking question!"

"I killed him."


"I,- I'm sorry."

That's it. Daisy has ran away. Lincoln had died. I pulled out my gun and shot him. I shot my ex- husband. I watched as his body fell on the floor and became numb.

"Melinda..." Phil looked at me with a sympathetic expression.

"Daisy's gone." I walked over to him and let my head fall onto his chest.

"We'll find her." He rubbed my arm, "Are you okay?"

I shook my head and whispered, "No."

I let myself break down in his arms, I felt my tears soak his shirt. I let myself panic, let myself feel the guilt for leaving. Daisy left. I killed Andrew. We left. Layla's gone again. The baby is,-


I shook my head and looked up to see tears slowly making their way down his cheek, "Hmm?"

"We should get home."

I nodded and wiped my tears, "Are you okay?"

"No." He softly smiled, "But that's fine."

We got back to the Zephyr and headed to the cockpit. Nobody said a word. We let our thoughts consume us. We silently got off the Zephyr once we reached. Ignoring anything and anyone in our way as we brushed past them to our room.

We entered our shared room and I felt my walls go back up. The same walls which had lowered as Daisy came into my life.

"You want a drink?" Phil asked.

"Yeah. I,- Please."

He took the bottle of liquor out from the mini fridge in our room, and poured the liquid into two glasses. I gulped down all the liquor as soon as Phil handed it to me. I shook my head, "It was my fault," I looked at him, "That Daisy left. I thought it would be good for us to be alone for a few weeks. I wanted to get away from Daisy. I feel so selfish now. I spent weeks thinking,- hoping that it would be a dream and I would wake up one day to see that Layla never got back. We never found her. And now,- Now it hurts like it did all those years ago. Even worse now. I cant,-I," I started sobbing into his chest, "It feels like I'm dying."

"Shh. Daisy's fine, wherever she is. We'll find her."

"You can let go, you know." I looked up at him and wiped the tear that had slid down his face, I bit my lip, "It's fine to let go."

"I did break down, Melinda." He looked away, "It feels like the world is breaking apart. Not literally. But I know we're not giving up. I'm sure we'll find her. And I feel like it's my job to stay positive."

"It's fine to be negative instead of optimistic sometimes."

He nodded. We stood in that position for a while before there was a knock on the door.

We pulled apart, "Yes?"

Jemma stepped inside the room, "I heard what happened. I just wanted to say sorry. I know you just got her back and now." She sighed, "Sorry, I bothered you. I know you guys are going through a lot and I'm not helping with sharing my feelings with you. I'll leave you to if. But before I leave, would you like something to eat?"

"Uhm, we're fine. You're not bothering us. We'll just get something to eat later." I softly smiled, "Thank you, Jemma. For caring. But we're going to be fine."

Jemma smiled and left us alone. "We'll find her."

I nodded and leaned on his chest, "Let's test for a while. We can take the Zephyr to find Daisy. However, can't do that while being sleep deprived."

I slept that night like I knew I wouldn't get any sleep in the new few days. We'll find her, always have. Always will. Because of course, she needs to see her little sister.

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