Chapter 21: Hugs

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I walked out the Cafe with Phil and Daisy, we were running a little late because Reggie wanted to make us some of his famous cookies. That took 8 minutes.

"Let's hope Maria remembers the password to the door so she doesn't stand outside waiting for us."

"She probably does."

We walked back to the apartment and saw Maria's black car. She remembered.

We ran up the stairs and I entered the password.

"Took you long enough."

I scoffed, "We're just 2 minutes late." I handed her the coffee, "Here you go."

"Yeah.. okay."

"Hey, Daisy.. how's it going with these two?" Maria looked behind me at Daisy.

"They're good."

She looked back at me, "So what's up?"

I sighed, "We should sit down for this."


Phil and I sat on the couch, Daisy sat on the ottoman and Maria sat on the old rocking chair.

"Uhm, so to start of with," Phil started.

"Daisy is Lay." I spilled out.

Maria's eyes widened as she watched the three of us. Daisy fiddled with the throw on the ottoman with her fingers while Phil fiddled with is ring.

"D-D-D-Daisy is," She took deep breaths to get a hold of herself, "Lay-Layla?"

"Yeah." I nodded, "We took the test."

'OH. OK." She took deep breaths, "Hold on. I need a few minutes."

I nodded. I had only seen Maria this distraught once, after her dad died. This is too much for her to take in less than a week.

"Let me know when you're fine."

She nodded and took a sip of her now cold, coffee.

We sat in silence for a few minutes until Maria broke the silence.

"I'm ready."

I took a deep breath and looked at Phil.

"I'm pregnant."

Maria's reaction was shocked, if it weren't for the situation we were currently in, I would've lost it.

"You're... " She looked between me and Phil and then stood up, "I'm going to be an aunt again?" Her voice cracked at the end, which made me softly smile.

I stood up and hugged her. I patted her back as I felt her body shake.

"Shhhh, it's okay. I'm safe. Lay's safe." I soothingly said while rubbing a pattern kn her back.

I felt her sobs silent and her taking deep breaths.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."

"Hey, it's all good. You don't want to know what happened when I found out. The same day."

"When you fainted?"

I nodded.

"Uhm, so you're pregnant?"

"Yeah. About 4 weeks."

She nodded.

"I don't know what to say to Daisy." She whispered in my ear.

"I know. Neither did I. I still don't."

Well, are you going to move back here?"

I looked at Phil and sighed, "I don't know."

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