Chapter 18: The other woman

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We left my old apartment after ordering Chinese food for dinner and eating it. We were still 5 minutes away from the base when Phil's phone rang.

"Can you answer it and tell me who it is?"

I nodded and picked up the non- S.H.I.E.L.D issued phone. The one only Daisy, Fury and herself know of in S.H.I.L.D.
Rosalind. The screen read. Rosalind?

"Phil, who's Rosalind?"

He quickly glanced at me and looked back at the sky.

"She's with the ATCU. Rosalind Price. I was thinking we should unite against anti- inhumas."

"Oh" I nodded. I answered the phone.



"Hello. This is Melinda May. How can I help you?" I could see Phil rolling his eyes at that comment.

"Oh. I didn't know Phil had an assistant. Can I speak to him? If he is free, of course." I rolled my eyes. Yeah, right.

"I'm the second in command. Not his assistant. I'm sorry. Director Coulson and I were taking some personal time. Away from work."

"Wait. You are Melinda May? THE MELINDA MAY? Phil always talks about you. Even when we're in the middle of a briefing. You must be a very special woman. He never treated me like that."

That's because I'm his wife, idiot.

"Well, how about we call you back when we get back to the base. You can stop by whenever you can."

"Of course. In fact, I'm there right now. How long do you think it'll take you to get here?"

Business woman. "We're right above it."

"Ok then. See you there." With that, she ended the call.

I sighed. "What's wrong? Roz annoy you? Even I can't do that."

Wait... ROZ? Probably just a co-worker thing. "Yeah. Turns out business women get on my nerves faster than somebody calling me the Cavalry." I looked at him, "She is also meeting us at the base. Right now."

Phil sighed. "So much for family time."

"So much yet so less."


Phil walked toward Rosalind as a stood back and examined the woman. She looked like Edna from the Incredibles. Got the Bob haircut. And all business.

"Phil." She looked at me and examined me, "Agent May."

I realized that I wasn't in my my combat uniform and Phil wasn't wearing his suits. I nodded, not wanting to acknowledge the dresscode for high ranking agents.

I gulped as I felt a wave of nausea and I rushed to the nearest washroom. I could hear Phil's worried words but couldn't make out what he was saying. I bent over the toilet to throw up as Phil held back my hair. This is going to be harder than we thought.

"Guys?" Daisy, "You okay? Rosalind called me."

I wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet. I looked and Phil and we nodded at each other. We have to tell her.

"Yeah. We'll be right there." Phil called out and slightly smiled at me.

""Guys" Daisy looked between the two of us, "What's wrong?"

"We're,-" Phil and I shared a quick glance and nodded. "I'm,-"

I sighed, "You're going to be a big sister."

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