Chapter 16: Facing my fears

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I sighed as I bought myself back to the land of the awoken. I looked around and noticed that Phil and Daisy had dozed off too. I smiled as I gently took the photo album from Daisy's hands and swiftly got off the bed, not waking anyone up. I grabbed the throws from the couch and placed them on top of Phil and Daisy. I smiled and stepped out of the room.

I was headed to the gym when Simmons came running to me.

"May, I was going through your health tests and it said that you're,-"

I stopped her before she could end that sentence, "I know."

", healthy and fit."

I sighed, "Anything else, Jemma?"

"No, that'll be it. Thank you."

I nodded and headed to the gym. To my surprise,  it was occupied. By Maria Hill.

I walked to the bench and got rid of the sweater I was wearing, revealing my black yoga tank top.

"You okay?"

She hummed.

"Wannna spar?"

She looked at me and stopped beating the poor bag.


We went a few rounds, occasionally beating each other, and stopped after an hour of sparring.

"You wanna talk about it?"

She sighed. "Not here."

I nodded.

We headed to Phil's office, because my dorm was occupied with Phil and Daisy.

"I had a nightmare."

I nodded, but felt like there was more. Maris was always the more open one between the two.

"It felt so real. Like Lay was back. Things were going back to normal. And then suddenly, all of them were gone.  I could hear her calling for me but I couldn't find her. Couldn't save her."

I internally sighed. All of us had been having nightmares about Layla, Maria, more than others. Maria had been the nearest one to our house. She was supposed to check on Layla before leaving for her mission. Her mission last longer, she stayed by her choice and she blames herself for it. Just like everyone else does.

"Daisy might be Layla." I blurt out.


I sighed, this is not how I planned on telling her. I sat on the couch and Maria followed.

"Chuju." Her eyes widened in realization.

"So you're saying that the girl on this base, the inhuman S.H.I.E.L.D agent, can be my long lost God daughter? You can't just say that and expect me to be sane, it,-"

"I know." Truth was I, myself, was far from sane. I was about the break down. Tears welled up my eyes everytime I even thought about it. I let a tear slide down my face, unnoticed by Maria. I took a deep breath and continued, "Phil wants to take a DNA test but... I'm not ready. I,-"

That's it. I broke down. Melinda May broke down. Infront of her best friend.

"God, Mel, I'm so sorry." She wrapped her arms around me. "I can't imagine how hard this must be for you. After Bahrain. Afterlife. Now Daisy. How could I even think that you're doing okay?"

"It's fine."

"You need to talk to someone. "

"I talked to Phil. That's enough."


"I'm ready for the DNA test."

Maria nodded.
I sat on the gurney in the lab, the room covered by curtains, away from prying eyes. Phil sitting on my right and Daisy on my left. I opened my mouth, letting Simmons take my DNA with the swab. I watched as she repeated the procedure on Phil and Daisy.

Now, we wait.

Simmons burst back into the room after 30 mins with the result in her hands. I couldn't explain what I was feeling. Happiness, that we finally found our daughter. Guilt, that she grew up in foster care without our care. Or Disappointment, if the result proved negative.

I held my breath, preparing myself for the unknown results.

"Daisy's your daughter."

I looked at Phil and Daisy, unable to make out any of the words Simmons said after that. Daisy was our daughter.

Arms were thrown around me and Phil. Daisy. Layla. I let tears fall, and I soon broke down sobbing. It was too much. I didn't care if they saw the Cavalry break down. The only people in the secluded room were me, Phil, Daisy and FitzSimmons. They were our family.

"We'll give you three some time." Simmons smiled and left the room, Fitz following.

Daisy broke the hug, "You guys are,- you guys are my parents!" She wiped the tears off of her cheeks, "I don't know,-"

I sighed, "We should leave the lab. Let's  go home."

"Yeah..wait. Home?"

"We have an apartment on the surface. Well it's May's apartment."


I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out, soon I felt my legs giving out and Phil running over to me.

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