Chapter 19: Smiles

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Still May's POV

I entered our room, where Daisy and Phil waited. We were going to call my parents.  Well, I was going to call them and they were going to hide and nod.

"You know it's just one call right."

"Your mom hates me, Mel."

"No she doesn't." I rolled my eyes when they met Phil's disapproving ones. "She came to our wedding. She always asks us about grandchildren. She doesn't like you that much but hate is a strong word."


I grabbed my laptop from the desk in the room and placed it on the bed infront of me, Phil and Daisy.

"So what am I supposed to call them?"

"Anything you want."


I pressed call beside my mom's picture. My dad was staying with her because of his hip injury.

She didn't take long to answer.

"Hey Mom."

"Hey Mrs. May."

"Hello Mom's mom."

Everybody looked at Daisy in unison. Even my dad came on camera to look at Daisy.

"Subtle." I heard Phil whisper into Daisy's ear.

"Well, you guys were taking forever." Daisy whispered back.


"Yeah, Dad?" I rubbed my forehead.

"Who is this girl?"

"Uhm, this is Daisy. You met her. At the wedding. She is also,-" I sighed, "Layla."

My parents eyes widened dramatically.

Time to drop the bomb. Again.

"And you're getting another grandchild."

Their faces lit with the brightest smile.


"I'm pregnant."

"How long?"

"4 weeks. The baby is healthy."

They nodded.

"Well, guess we should go now. I'll call you later."


"Love you Mellie." My dad left the camera.

"Love you Qiaolian. Take care of her, Philip."

"Yes, Ma'am."

I ended the call and fell backwards into Phil's lap with an 'oof'.

"Let's talk."

"Fine." I looked at Daisy, "but after your grilled cheese."

"I can work with that."

After a very quiet meal later,

"Do you have any questions, Daisy?"

"Uhm, can you tell me about me? Baby me?"

"Of course."

I nodded.

"You were born in England. We were on a mission, we were running back end. Not in the field. Nick,- Fury didn't want a 9 month pregnant Melinda May in the field. Even if she was capable of more than the other agents." Phil smirked at me.

"I had been having contrations. I thought it was Braxton-hicks.. my water broke about an hour before the mission ended. Everyone panicked. Even Nick and Maria. They had insisted to come along on the mission if I was in it." I smiled at the memories, "Maria got a hold of herself and called off the mission. We went to the S.H.I.E.L.D base, used the secret door so nobody knew about you. You were born after 13 hours of labor. I almost killed Phil a few times."

Phil let out a laugh.


"Any other questions, Daisy?"

"Uh,yeah. Can you tell me about how you both met and what happened?"

I looked at Phil and nodded.

"We had just came back from the mission. It was an 084. It had went wrong. We almost died. So, after the mission, I asked Mel out. She said Yes." I smiled, remembering the rambling,  "That was the first and only date we went on because we were to busy putting away bad guys. A year later, a few weeks after a mission in Cuba, Mel got pregnant. I panicked. Mel left for about a week to stay with her parents while I got a hold of myself. I moved in with Mel at the end of the second month. We somehow got through it."

"I wasn't feeling that good after the fourth month. Even if the morning sickness was gone. I even fainted once. Stress or S.H.I.E.L.D was the cause. Nick had me off missions. The only reason I was on the last one was because the new recruits needed the Cavalry as a background specialist. I was only guiding them. You were born and then gone after a year." I continued, "And we met at the Academy.  I was Phil's combat instructor. We became friends. Then best friends. Partners. Lovers. Then back to strangers after you were gone. And the cycle repeats."

"Wow." Daisy looked at us both, "That's alot. How are you both alive?"

"Ouch. You don't think we can handle ourselves?" Phil joked.

"I didn't mean it like that. Dad. I meant,-" She stopped when she saw our surprised faces, "What? Is there someone behind me?"

"No, it's just, you called Phil Dad."

"It's not the first time, you know."

"It is since we found out that you're Layla."

"Oh. OK."

"Daisy there is also something else I need to tell you." She nodded, "I had a miscarriage. After you. With Andrew. After Bahrain."

Her expressions softened at Bahrain.

"I'm so sorry."

I smiled at her expression and shook my head.

"So who is hungry?"

"We just ate Phil." I playfully punched him.

"Ouch. That hurt. But in my defence, we were running out of things to talk about and there is never a bad time to eat."

"We can show Daisy home."

"Home?" Daisy looked between us two.

"Yeah. Uhm, Mel's old apartment. We still go there sometimes. Look at pictures. Fall asleep there. Have date nights. And then we have a new mission."

"That'll actually be really nice. To see where I lived as a baby. Home." I frowned. Daisy didn't have us growing up. She didn't even have proper food to eat.

Phil, realized what was happening, placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm okay. It wasn't like last time."

"Wait what?"

I looked at Daisy, "Yeah, I get panic attacks. Usually about Bahrain, and sometimes, you. The last one was pretty severe. It took Phil half an hour to get me back."

"When was it?"

I looked at her, "Yesterday."

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