Chapter 14: Know more

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"So, you want to learn more about Layla?"

"Who,-" her eyes widened in realization, "Wait, that was her name?"

I nodded with Phil.

"Yes, please."

"Well, you know she was born 27 years and 2 months ago." I looked at Phil for him to continue.

"She was a year old when she was taken and she was at home with my half sister, Hannah Micheal."

"Uhm, that's pretty much it." I looked at Phil and nodded, "We, uhm, have a few pictures of her if you want to see them sometimes."

"Yeah, uhm, that would be great."

"Uhm, guys, thanks for this. I,-" She sighed, "What was her name?"

I smiled, "Layla Chuju May-Coulson."


"Uhm, it's Chinese for," his eyes widened in realization, "Daisy."

No. It's just a coincidence.  Nothing else. I had excused myself from the awkward silence in the kitchen to go spar in the gym with the sand bag.

I couldn't handle the awkward silence. It was haunting and I didn't want myself to rely on the silence to speak for itself.  Silence means yes.

Daisy can't be Layla. Daisy has parents. Had parents. For God's sake, they knew her birthday. It's just a stupid coincident.

"You okay?"


"Mel, stop."

I looked at him, "Phil, it can't be."

He placed his hands on my shoulders, "I don't know. But if it is, won't you want to know if,-"

"Phil, no. Don't give me hope. Don't give me false hope unless you know it's true."

"We can do the DNA test if you want."

"Not now. Phil, I'm not ready yet."


Daisy. I looked behind me and saw Daisy standing there with hopeful eyes.

"Daisy. You have parents."

"There's no proof that they're my birth parents. They can be the kidnappers or the people who bought me."

I sighed, "I don't want to do this right now."

And with that I walked away and headed to my dorm. The one beside Phil and mine.

I let myself break down as soon as I hit the mattress. Tears fell down my face as I opened the photo album. I smiled at all the happy memories. The picture that was took a day before Layla was taken. On July 1st.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. There was only one person who would know I'd be here and not in the dorm I share with Phil.

"Come in, Phil."

The door opened, revealing, to my surprise, Daisy.

"It's me."

I sighed and quickly wiped the tears off my face.

I patted the bed infront of me and Daisy followed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think you,-"

"That I had any feelings? I thought we were past that."

She looked down, "Are those?"

I nodded.

"Can I?"

I nodded again and slid the album down to her.

The door opened, "Mel, I'm,-"
He stopped at the sight.

I waved him over and he sat beside me as I let my head fall on his shoulder.

Soon I let sleep consume me.

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