2 | Jane's Desire

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Priscilla breathed unsteadily with her heart thwacking against her ribcage as if it would break out whilst she ran past the security guard inside the library, yelling her name, with Viola trailing after her, who followed suit.

He nodded and the moment they were out of his sight, he hastily dialled a number on the brown telephone and the line was received by a woman.

Viola yanked Priscilla back, causing her to turn around and face her abruptly. Viola narrowed her eyes at her and her glare intensified, but the anger was swept off by worry when she saw Priscilla's puzzled gaze.

Viola shut her eyes as she let out a sigh to calm herself and then opened them again, softly holding Priscilla's forearms as she asked. "What happened and why did you come here?"

Priscilla stared at Viola, face contorted in shock, then she dropped her shoulders in stress as she attempted to run a hand through her hair, but halted as she felt them tied up. "Miss Scarlett gave me a zero and when I asked her why, she told me to find out myself."

Viola frowned as to why she earned a zero, but kept her lips sealed and nodded attentively as Priscilla continued. "That's why I came here to know what I wrote wrong about Katherine Anderson, but as much as I know, I wrote everything mom told me."

"What if- "

"Hey," Priscilla intervened, placing a hand over Viola's shoulder as she gave it a squeeze. "I told you what you wanted to know, so now please let me do my work."

Priscilla walked away saying that and stole glances at each section, then stopping at the history one as she picked out the silver book of the queen of witchcraft, Katherine Anderson.

Priscilla flipped from one page to another, eyes widening till she reached the last page as her clammy palms threatened to slip the book off of her hand, but she was quick to hold it.

Viola tip-toed to peek over Priscilla's shoulder as they shared a funny height difference, with Priscilla being five feet seven inches tall, and Viola being five feet four inches.

"What happened?" She asked, while struggling to get a glimpse.

"Mom told me a fabricated story. Whatever she told me is incorrect." Priscilla faced her, hands falling heavily as Viola withdrew the book from her.

"Why did she do that?" Viola pursed her lips while rubbing her back in affinity. "Did she not know it'll cause me to fail in my test by her such tactics?"

"Why don't you ask your mom about it?" Viola's brows came together, and she muttered as she ceased comforting her and positioned the book back in its place.

Priscilla sighed and leaned against the book section as she folded her hands over her chest, looking way she said. "If I did, then she would tell me why I'm making a fuss over just a story."

Viola's face contorted into realisation before she grimaced as she whispered-yelled. "But why are we talking in a low voice like we did some crime?"

Priscilla chuckled softly and she slung her hand over Viola's shoulders, pulling her forward as they walked out of the library. "That's how we into the mood of depression and shock, my violin."

As Viola finally seemed to cease her investigation, Priscilla had an epiphany in the small amount of moment. Why the security guard called someone just after they came, it could be her mom too but if her assumption was correct then Marilyn would definitely ask her where she was just to know if Priscilla would lie or say the truth.

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