24 | Possessed

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The air had gone still, everyone stayed in their place, frozen and when melting emotions crashed down, Andrew stepped backwards, covering his mouth as he gasped. Marilyn's feet were cemented to the ground. The confession of Terry's death and that her daughter had killed him broke a large part of her. Gem breath heatedly, the flame of great loath flaring furiously.

Priscilla's hand crawled to her face, fingers tenderly touching her cheek. It stung, it hurt and it pained. The area was burning.

The royal guard in the house began to step forward when Priscilla halted him with a display of her hand.

Viola's lips twitched at Gem's action, her chest burnt in anger when Gem seized Priscilla's collar, raising her hand to slap her again, letting out her every pain and negative emotions in that single act. When Viola clomped towards her, wrapping her hand around Gem's wrist, and threw it backwards, causing her to stagger and fiercely slapped the elder one's cheek.

"Have you lost your senses? Who are you slapping your friend for?" Viola yelled, and Priscilla gasped at the sight before her eyes. Gem swirled her head, widening her eyes. "How could you slap me for this criminal Viola?"

Gem faced Viola, rubbing her cheek. "No, wait," She lifted her hand, chuckling forcefully. "I know. You both are rich ones. Of course, it's manifesting that you'll support her."

Viola raked a hand through her hair. "Shut up, please. And you're slapping your best friend, but tell me, did you ask her why she killed him?" Gem looked away sarcastically, and Andrew furrowed. Priscilla's gaze travelled from the floor to her mother. She was standing far from her with jaw hanging.

"I know, murder can't be justified, but this killer," Viola pointed to Priscilla, holding her wrist as she hauled her ahead. "Has a justification." Viola's eyes softened at Marilyn. "Don't assume anything, aunt, but wait for her explanation." Gem gaped at Viola. The way she spoke indicated that she was aware of the unveiled secret. "You already kne-"

Viola intervened, gaze hardening. "Yes, I was aware and I can yell it on the top of my lungs." Andrew folded his arms, raising a brow and muttered. "This is the actual definition of a best friend."

"Apprise them of the truth, Priscilla. Don't hide it anymore. Advise them of who you are." Priscilla furiously jiggled her head, pivoting her wrist. "No, I can't do that. It'll ruin everything." Viola rotated her head. "Everything is already ruined. She needs to know the truth of her beloved fiance."

Priscilla attempted to yank her hand out of Viola's grip, but it was futile. Viola was obstinate to have the truth spoken. "Are you really a coward, Priscilla, vulnerable like your name?" She lethargically peered at Viola.

Priscilla wasn't a coward. She had suffered both physical and mental pain. She had got herself almost seen committing the crime of killing Christopher. She, as of now as well is standing instead of running away. She was running, but from the truth, not from confrontation.

Viola breathed in, facing the people awaiting an answer as she spoke of something she had never thought she would. "Priscilla is the reincarnation of Katherine Anderson."

Marilyn lurched backwards, plummeting to the couch. The story book, the potions. She had descried the signs yet she unheeded them, but there was not a single solution to rectify a reincarnation. And the amount of truth she had heard today was enough till her last breath.

"Oh please," Gem chuckled, her giggle transforming into a mocking laughter. "Quit defending that coward criminal, Viola. Also, there is no truth of my dear Terry."

Viola scoffed, raising one of her brows as she crossed her arms. "What do you know about his past? Did he tell you the name of the orphanage he was brought up in?"

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