22 | The Letter's Truth.

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Priscilla fell back in her bed, pressing her fingers on her ear as she attempted to cease the voices. "No." She jiggled her head, laying down. "I won't kill Hudson. He's the prince, the only heir to carry the hierarchy, and what will happen to our Crisalyus if I do?"

If you don't do that, then how will you build a school for the poor ones? If he dies, you'll be the one in control, the one who will rule.

"Shut up," Priscilla gritted her teeth and uprose, fastening the curtains whilst the veils of Hudson's chamber were open and the place empty. "You claimed you will only punish those who harmed you in your past life, and Hudson is not one of them. Then what sort of revenge is this? Is this all for the crown?"


"Listen Katherine," Priscilla spoke, her voice was a firm whisper and if Katherine was before her eyes, she would've jabbed a finger. "I'm not from those bad people you met with. So, I will not kill Hudson, and that is my final decision."


The sprawled blanket of silk slid down slowly as if the hands pulling it weren't patently timid. A illuminating face and warmth pouring across her skin greeted Priscilla, and she blinked. The structure of the chamber, gleaming furniture and polished antiques caused her to lounge in the bed, again. She let out a small groan. "Oh my."

The humbly grinning maid stooped to her level, tilting her head as her large eyes stared and stared. "May I ask what happened, Princess?"

Priscilla now Princess, the titles.

A new maid strolled inside her chambers with a trolley of fresh fruits, bowing. "Kindly have some fruits, Your Grace." She lifted a silver tray and the previous one assisted Priscilla to haul up herself and sit. "What should I address you as? Priscilla rose her eyes to the one tenderly gliding a comb through her hair. "Anything you wish, Princess." The other maid pierced a fork in a strawberry, hoisting it to the new Princess's lips. "I apologise for intervening but her name is Brielle, and mine is Abigail, Your Highness." Priscilla nodded, closing her mouth around the fruit.

When Brielle began to guide Priscilla to the sumptuous bath, the royalty decrease her pace when under the silk cloth she felt the coiling of a medical tape. She was wounded and it wouldn't be beneficial if the maids see it. "I don't allow you to bathe me, not today and tomorrow." Abigail bowed, a slight frown of her brows was visible. "Your Highness, it is one of the traditions." Priscilla heaved a sigh and hefted her dress. "Brielle, did you prepare the bath?"

"Yes, Your Highness." Priscilla glided across the marbles. "Abigail, apprise me of Your Highness and the King and Queen's schedule. And Brielle, arrange a dress and jewelries for me this instance as well as write two letters."

Priscilla enclosed the doors, simultaneously allowing Abigail to inform her incoherently of her husband's and in-law's schedule. She didn't need it, but if she had heard the worker's excuses to stop her in her task, then it would cause her to neglect the breakfast with William and Josephine.

Although her orders caused the duo to scram, the tasks were not of little value. Priscilla spoke the message required to be written on the letters. There were two, one a resignation letter for her job at the library and the other for her departure from her college and the degree. Of course, they would understand now that she was a princess and belonged to the palace.

Brielle rushed out of the Princess's chamber to post the letters and Abigail drowned Priscilla in shining jewelries and silk greyish dress of silver embroidery. She slunk past the doors of Hudson's chamber and to the dining hall with Abigail. The hall had a company. It was loneliness. It was empty, unlike Priscilla, brimming with emotions. She lifted her feet when a hand placed itself over her cascading hair. She turned and her dress twirled.

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